Centro Studi Pluriversum
Centro Studi Pluriversum is an Italian private company, engaged in the field of career education and career counselling, which has been designing innovative models, providing services and managing projects within the guidance and education systems for several Italian Provinces and Regions and through European projects for more than 10 years.
The team has a specific expertise in the field of guidance provision, developing and managing innovative projects to support and improve the education system, Public Employment Services and career guidance services in several Italian Regions, including training and upgrading of the staff (e.g. for Regions Toscana, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Umbria, Marche, etc.).
One of the top fields of development is ICT for career guidance and education. Pluriversum has developed some of the most innovative software and web sites in the career guidance sector (see www.sorprendo.it and www.educaweb.it).
At international level, Pluriversum can count on a wide network of partners and contacts developed in more than 10 years of activities and it is member of AIOSP-IAEVG, the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (www.iaevg.org) and of the Italian network of the Euroguidance Resources Center (www.euroguidance.net).