About the organisation
CRONOS International & CRONOS ITS are part of the CRONOS Group. We specialise in delivering IT services to private and public International Organisations. This includes supra national public organisations like the European Commission, the European Parliament, EUROCONTROL, NATO and others. CRONOS International is headquartered in Luxembourg City with a branch office in Brussels, Belgium.
By creating a distinct delivery organisation dedicated to International Organisations and Institutions, CRONOS wants to emphasize on the additional components that typically characterise these organisations, such as multilingualism, multi-cultural environments, complex decisions processes and strongly regulated working methods and procedures. Specialising on International Organisations also allows us to elaborate and better focus on the specific service delivery and quality assurance methodologies related to these complex environments.
Cronos International’s activities is spread among six main business areas:
1 Application Development and Management
2 Operations and Sourcing Services
3 Infrastructure Services
4 End user Services (support, integrated communications, mobility services)
5 Security
6 Training
Through these core business areas CRONOS International is able to propose services from all CRONOS Group Competence Centres – be it Technology Services, Products and related services as well as complete Solutions. CRONOS International is a market oriented organisation and can as such call upon services from any of the specialised technology experts in the CRONOS Group.