– Izberite dogodek – Destination Norway [12 February 2025] Make it in Germany 2025 [20 February 2025] Currywurst meets Frikandel 4.0 [18 December 2024] Work In Greece [16 December 2024] Work@PL2024 [06 December 2024] Work in Portugal 2024 [27 November 2024] EURES Italy for Employers' Day 2024 [13 November 2024] Building Ireland’s Future [07 November 2024] Job and Career in Latvia [05 November 2024] Online Job Summit: Where Talent Meets Opportunity [30 October 2024] Swedish Day 2024 [24 October 2024] Today's dream, tomorrow's reality [22 October 2024] Work in Flanders - Match Made in Europe Event! [10 October 2024] Finland Works [08 October 2024] EURES ITALY for BSBF2024 [04 October 2024] Work in Denmark – Destination West Zealand [02 October 2024] Make it in Germany 2024 [27 September 2024] Work in Lapland [04 September 2024] Living in Denmark [20 June 2024] Germany scores with North Rhine-Westphalia [11 June 2024] Balance your Life on Sweden's West Coast [28 May 2024] Boost your career with EURES! [23 May 2024] Make it in Germany 2024 [07 May 2024] Work Force in Flanders [26 April 2024] Work in Greece II [15 April 2024] Find your seasonal job in Europe! [04 April 2024] Work IT in Flanders [26 March 2024] Finland works [20 March 2024] Tourism & Hospitality Jobs in Norway [13 March 2024] Make it in Germany 2024 [29 February 2024] Seize the Summer with EURES 2024 [21 - 22 February 2024] Destination Norway [15 February 2024] Work in Greece (Fiλoξeniα) [07 February 2024] Work in Denmark - Destination Kalundborg [05 December 2023] Building Ireland’s Future: Careers in Construction [30 November 2023] EURES ITALY FOR EMPLOYERS' DAY 2023 - 7th edition [24 November 2023] Work in Portugal 2023 [22 November 2023] Make it in Germany 2023 [16 November 2023] Work in SLOVEnia [14 November 2023] Swedish Day 2023 [09 November 2023] STEMployment [25 October 2023] Job and Career in Latvia [18 October 2023] Bienvenidos a Irlanda 2023 [10 October 2023] Work in Helsinki-Uusimaa Region [04 October 2023] Destination Norway [13 September 2023] Work in Lapland [07 September 2023] Currywurst meets Frikandel 3.0 [05 September 2023] Make it in Germany 2023 [05 July 2023] One click to The Netherlands [13 June 2023] Building Ireland [11 May 2023] Find your Beat in Gothenburg, West Sweden [09 May 2023] Make it in Germany 2023 [04 April 2023] Seasonal employment. Find your seasonal job in Europe! [03 April 2023] Meat Industry Recruitment in Ireland [23 March 2023] Finland Works [15 March 2023] Seize the Summer with EURES 2023 [09 March 2023] Work in Denmark: Life Science and Healthcare [07 March 2023] Work in Flanders - Technicians & Engineers [28 February 2023] Careers in Retail and Childcare [23 February 2023] Work in Norway [16 February 2023] Make it in Germany [07 December 2022] WORK IN MALTA- ¡Bienvenidos a Malta! [01 December 2022] Job and Career in Latvia [30 November 2022] Your job in Germany [29 November 2022] Work in Portugal 2022 [22 November 2022] ‘Bienvenidos a Irlanda’ 2022 [17 November 2022] EURES Italy for EMPLOYERS’ DAY 2022 [15 November 2022] Living and working in Baltic Countries [11 November 2022] Austria is Calling! [09 - 10 November 2022] Swedish Day 2022 [27 October 2022] Work in Denmark: Life Science and Healthcare [26 October 2022] Work@PL2022 [20 October 2022] Work in Flanders 2022 - Lisbon [18 - 19 October 2022] Find your Beat in Gothenburg, West Sweden [13 October 2022] ICT Specialists for Norway and Sweden [12 October 2022] Take a chance in France [11 October 2022] Finland Works [05 October 2022] Mulighetsdager Norge - Sverige (29 September 2022) [29 September 2022] Industry & Technology in Denmark [22 September 2022] Make it in Germany 2022 [15 September 2022] Mulighetsdager Norge - Sverige (09 September 2022) [09 September 2022] Mulighetsdager Norge - Sverige (08 September 2022) [08 September 2022] Tourism and Hospitality Jobs in Norway [07 September 2022] Working in Germany: From Temporary to Permanent [05 September 2022] Work in Lapland [01 September 2022] ICT & TECHNOLOGY - Austria is Calling together with Croatia, Italy, Slovakia and Slovenia [07 July 2022] Green Jobs in Ireland [25 May 2022] Health professionals, Veterinarians and Teachers for Sweden [19 May 2022] Denmark Works [18 May 2022] With EURES to Europe! [12 May 2022] Work in Danish Restaurants and Hotels [28 April 2022] Spotlight on jobs in Denmark [23 March 2022] Seize the Summer with EURES 2022 [22 March 2022] Currywurst meets Frikandel 2.0 [17 March 2022] Chefs for Sweden [16 March 2022] Jobs in Ireland 2022 – Hospitality, Construction & Transport [15 March 2022] Un job dans les secteurs du tourisme ou des centres de contact en Belgique ou à l’étranger [11 March 2022] Work in Flanders - joint industry [10 March 2022] Finland Works - West Coast Finland [03 March 2022] European Info Day: EURES Romania – EURES Ireland. Living and Working in Ireland [02 March 2022] Crossing Nordic Borders [24 February 2022] Lithuanian day [23 February 2022] Finland works [16 February 2022] Job search for science & tech professionals in Spain and Belgium [27 January 2022] Norway is looking for ICT talents [06 December 2021] Make it in Germany -Take your chance 2021 [03 December 2021] EURES Italy - Employers' Day 2021 [02 December 2021] JOB AND CAREER IN LATVIA [01 December 2021] Currywurst meets Frikandel [30 November 2021] UAlg Online Careers Fair 2021 [24 - 25 November 2021] Healthcare Recruitment in Ireland [23 November 2021] Meat Industry Recruitment in Ireland [17 November 2021] Bienvenidos a Irlanda! - Irish Recruitment Day in Spain [04 November 2021] OnEJob 2021: Graduate Online European Job Fair [28 - 29 October 2021] Estonian Day [27 October 2021] AUSTRIA IS CALLING [25 October 2021] Swedish Day 2021 [21 October 2021] Welcome, Willkommen, Vítejte to Germany and the Czech Republic! [19 October 2021] Spotlight on the hospitality industry! [18 October 2021] European Info Day EURES Spain - EURES Ireland. Living and Working in Ireland [15 October 2021] Finland Works [05 October 2021] Ready to go on 2021 - EURES TMS Edition [30 June 2021] European Info Day EURES Spain - EURES The Netherlands. Living and Working in The Netherlands [10 June 2021] Cyprus & EU Career Fair: tomorrow empowered [08 June 2021] Your Career - Think Denmark [01 June 2021] European Info Day EURES Spain - EURES Poland. Living and Working in Poland [27 May 2021] Make it in Germany 2021 - Ihre Rückkehr nach Deutschland! [26 May 2021] Job and Career in Latvia [25 May 2021] Digit’allJobs moving Europe [20 May 2021] European Info Day EURES Spain - EURES Portugal. Vivir y trabajar en Portugal [13 May 2021] One click to Europe [06 May 2021] Career in Lithuania [05 May 2021] European Info Day EURES Spain - EURES Luxembourg. Living and Working in Luxembourg [29 April 2021] Make it in Germany 2021 - Take your chance! [28 April 2021] Help2Harvest2021 - Horticulture Recruitment Event – Ireland [22 April 2021] Finland - Norway - Sweden Day [15 April 2021] Slovenian Cross Border Online Job Day [08 April 2021] Un job en Belgique ou à l'étranger dans le tourisme et l'hôtellerie? [23 March 2021] Make it work in Denmark [18 March 2021] European Info Day EURES Spain - EURES France. Vivir y trabajar en Francia [11 March 2021] European Info Day EURES Spain - WORKINDENMARK. Living and working in Denmark [04 March 2021] European Info Day EURES España - EURES Bélgica [25 February 2021] European Info Day EURES Spain - EURES Malta. LIVING and WORKING IN MALTA [18 February 2021] Finland Works [11 February 2021] European Info Day EURES Spain - EURES Ireland. Living and working conditions in Ireland [04 February 2021] Healthcare Recruitment in Ireland [28 January 2021] Career in Bulgaria [12 January 2021] Swedish Day [26 November 2020] Finland Works [18 November 2020] UAlg Online Careers Fair 2020 [12 November 2020] International Career & Employers' Days! [10 - 11 November 2020] Job and Career in Latvia [28 October 2020] OnEJob 2020 – Graduate Online European Job Fair [27 October 2020] BACK ON TRACK Hungarian Job Day [08 October 2020] Make it in Germany 2020 - Take YOUR Chance! [07 October 2020] Work in Flanders - Belgium 2020 [02 October 2020] Lithuania is waiting for you! [01 October 2020] Work in France for the Winter Season [21 September 2020] Do I.T. in Denmark [08 September 2020] Work in Lapland [01 September 2020] Work in Estonia [31 August 2020] Ready to go on - Pronti a ripartire! [08 July 2020] Work in Flanders - Belgium [16 June 2020] Make it in Germany 2020 [25 March 2020] Finland - Norway - Sweden Day [11 March 2020] Seize the Summer with EURES 2020 [04 March 2020] Careers in Ireland 2020 [02 March 2020] WORK IN BERLIN - Jobs In The Booming Online Industry [28 February 2020] NORDIC-BALTIC JOBDAY IN SPAIN [04 December 2019] UAlg Online Careers Fair [28 November 2019] EURES Italy for Employers’ Day 2019 - Special Edition for EURES 25th Anniversary [25 November 2019] New Career in Hungary [20 November 2019] Talent in Tech - Sophia Antipolis [14 November 2019] Working in Gothenburg / West Sweden [13 November 2019] WANTED: skilled workers and executives for Germany, Austria and Luxembourg! [06 November 2019] Work in Portugal 2019! [30 October 2019] Enter Estonia [23 October 2019] The mountains are calling - Working in the Tyrolean Alps [22 October 2019] Work In Flanders 2019 - Porto [15 - 16 October 2019] Austria-Germany-Netherlands Day [10 October 2019] Finland Works [09 October 2019] Job and Career in Latvia 2019 [26 September 2019] Make it in Germany - Take YOUR Chance! [25 September 2019] European Job Day - Die Talente der Großregion! [19 September 2019] European Online Job Day Sofia 2019 [17 September 2019] Our region crosses borders - Jobs in Saxony, Lower Silesia and Bohemia [05 September 2019] Work in Lapland [03 September 2019] Discover Poland! Work with us. [29 May 2019] Make it in Germany - Take YOUR Chance! 2019 [22 May 2019] Work in Flanders 2019 - Volos [15 - 16 May 2019] Ireland Recruitment Day in Madrid [09 May 2019] New Destinations for French skills [24 - 25 April 2019] Professionals and experts for Germany - Bavaria [12 April 2019] European Job Day - Hospitality industry in Bavaria [11 April 2019] FINDE.U Virtual University International Job Fair [09 - 10 April 2019] Finland Works [04 April 2019] Careers in Ireland [28 March 2019] Work in Greater Region : Luxembourg (LU) / Lorraine (FR) / Province de Luxembourg (BE) / Saarland (DE) / Rheinland-Pfalz (DE) [19 March 2019] Work in the heart of Sweden [06 March 2019] Seize the Summer with EURES 2019 [13 February 2019] Work in Berlin [11 February 2019] EURES Italy for Employers' Day 2018 [18 December 2018] Work in Portugal! [27 November 2018] New Career in Hungary [20 November 2018] Work in Estonia [16 November 2018] Work in Flanders 2018 - Lecce [07 - 08 November 2018] Dublin Jobs Fair [25 October 2018] Austrian-German Day 2018 [18 October 2018] Make it in Germany - Take YOUR Chance! [17 October 2018] Work@PL - Work in Poland [10 October 2018] Work in Luxembourg [09 - 10 October 2018] Recruiting in Spain [03 October 2018] Germany is looking for you! [26 September 2018] European Online Job Day - Jobs at Rivers, Mountains and Valleys [21 September 2018] European Online Job Day - Professionals and experts for the cross-border region of Bavaria and the Czech Republic [20 September 2018] Work in Lapland II - Welcome to Finland [06 September 2018] Work in Flanders 2018 - Lisbon [19 - 20 June 2018] Make it in Germany - Take YOUR Chance [30 May 2018] Your Language - Our Business Bilingual Jobs - European Online Job Day, Ireland [22 May 2018] European Job Day Trier [09 May 2018] Work in Norwegian in Europe [25 April 2018] FINDE.U - Virtual University International Job Fair [16 - 18 April 2018] Industry Finland [12 April 2018] IT, sales and engineering - Work in Estonia! [28 March 2018] European Job Day for Medical and Healthcare Jobs in Germany, Italy and Austria [22 March 2018] European Online Job Day – Professionals and experts for the Munich Metropolitan Region [21 March 2018] Arrive and Revive - Ireland. Careers in Hospitality & Tourism Sector [09 March 2018] Welcome to Frankfurt! [07 March 2018] Connect to your Future @ Hospitality & Catering Career Expo North West Region of Ireland [01 March 2018] Seize the Summer with EURES 2018 [15 February 2018] Jobs Without Borders [07 - 08 February 2018] Realise Your Potential Abroad - UK EOJD 2018 [31 January 2018] Work in Flanders 2017 - Athens [29 - 30 November 2017] New Career in Hungary - Új Karrier Magyarországon [22 November 2017] EURES Italy Employers' Day 2017 [22 - 23 November 2017] European Job Day Farming and Gardening [08 - 09 November 2017] Make it in Germany - Lisbon 2017 [07 - 08 November 2017] The Silesia 2017 Online Job Day - Work in Poland [26 October 2017] EURES Nordic - Baltic Job Day Madrid 2017 [25 October 2017] Fast-track Career in the Baltics [20 October 2017] Work in Flanders 2017 - Lisbon [18 - 19 October 2017] European Job Day - Austrian - German Day 2017 [12 October 2017] Work in Lapland – Welcome to Finland [27 September 2017] Professionals and Experts for the Cross-border Region of Bavaria and the Czech Republic [26 September 2017] Make it in Germany - Take YOUR Chance [24 August 2017] Make it in Germany - Take YOUR Chance [01 June 2017] French German online Job Day, branch of industry [30 - 31 May 2017] Cork where IT is @......check IT out [04 May 2017] European Online and Onsite Job Day Trier-Luxembourg [04 - 05 May 2017] Work in Flanders 2017 - Madrid [26 - 27 April 2017] Fach- und Führungskräfte für die Metropolregion Nürnberg [29 March 2017] European Online Job Day - Jobs in Wasser, Berg und Tal [28 March 2017] FINDE.U 2017 – Virtual University International Job Fair [21 - 24 March 2017] European Online Job-Day - Make it in Germany 2017 [16 March 2017] Seize the Summer with EURES 2017 [22 February 2017] EJD Finland - Nordic perspectives [14 February 2017] Work in Estonia [11 November 2016] Venice 2016 EOJD - Maritime Jobs - Fuori di Banco [09 November 2016] European Online Job Day - Make it in Germany [03 November 2016] Work in Germany 2016 - Madrid [26 - 27 October 2016] Katowice - Kraków On-line Job Day 2016 [20 October 2016] Austrian-German Day - Rakúsko-Nemecký deň 2016 [13 October 2016] European Job Day Belgium - Export Your Skills [08 October 2016] Work in Flanders 2016 - Lisbon [29 - 30 September 2016] Work in Transdanubia - Hungary [29 September 2016] FINDE.U Virtual International Job Fair [30 May - 03 June 2016] Work in Denmark - Lisbon [25 May 2016] IT Needs U - Polish IT Sector Job Day [24 May 2016] Canarian European Jobweek [26 - 28 April 2016] Work in Flanders 2016 - Madrid [13 - 14 April 2016] First Transnational Online Job Day [12 - 13 April 2016] Hospitality Berlin European Spring Online Job Day [11 April 2016] Tourism Mobility Job Day 2016 [07 April 2016] South East Region European Job Day - Ireland [15 March 2016] Scotland Online Digital Jobs Day [09 March 2016] European Online and Onsite Job Day Finland 2016 [10 February 2016] Online Hospitality Job Day [27 January 2016] Nordic Jobday en España [16 December 2015] European Job Day „Winter Seasoning“ - Osijek [24 November 2015] European Digital Jobs Fair Madrid [20 November 2015] Work in Flanders 2015 [05 - 06 November 2015] New skills for new jobs [03 - 05 November 2015] First EURES Online Job Days, Castilla y León [28 - 29 October 2015] European Job Day - Poland 2015 [22 October 2015] Career Day 2015 [21 - 22 October 2015] European Job Day - Malmö [20 October 2015] Rakúsko-Nemecký deň [15 October 2015] Working abroad in a customer service: a springboard in your career [06 October 2015] ICT - Lund, Autumn Event 2015 [24 September 2015] Estonian Online Job Day for ICT and Engineering Professionals [18 September 2015] UK Medical Professionals Recruitment Day [16 - 17 July 2015] EURES Online Healthcare Job Day [11 June 2015] Job Day Budapest [09 - 10 June 2015] French Mobility Days [02 - 03 June 2015] IE/NI European Online Job Day [28 May 2015] Adriatic German Job Day [21 May 2015] Engineers Mobility Days 2015 [20 - 21 May 2015] Nordic Working 2015 [12 May 2015] Lund, Spring Event 2015 [16 April 2015] European Online Job Day Seize the Summer [05 March 2015] The Job of my Life Germany: Online information days [08 January 2015] Job Fair Malta [27 - 29 November 2014] Norgeinformation online [26 November 2014] The Job of my Life Germany: information days [24 - 27 November 2014] EURES Jobweek in Canary Islands [18 - 21 November 2014] EJD Opatija [11 November 2014] International Career Day & European Job Days Genoa 2014 [05 - 07 November 2014] Estonian ICT and Healthcare Mobility Day [24 October 2014] Austrian-German Day in Bratislava [16 October 2014] European Job Day Poznań 2014 [15 October 2014] European Job Day - Malmö [15 October 2014] Osez la Mobilité - EJD Reunion [13 October 2014] Experience Abroad - Map your Skills! [02 October 2014] Living and Working in Małopolska [02 - 09 October 2014] Work in Flanders [29 - 30 September 2014] ICT - Lund, Autumn Event [25 September 2014] Living and Working in Dalarna Day [29 August 2014] ICT Mobility Day - Amsterdam [25 June 2014] European Job Days - Zaragoza [22 - 23 May 2014] Engineers Mobility Days – Dias Europeus da Engenharia [21 - 22 May 2014] ICT European Online Job Day, Ireland [09 May 2014] European Job Day in Trier [09 May 2014] ICT Event in Lund [24 April 2014] European Job Day - Gdańsk [02 April 2014] Healthcare Mobility Day - Lisbon [01 April 2014] “Split the Jobs” - European Job Day in Split [21 March 2014] European Job Days - Malta [20 - 22 March 2014] European Job Day in Västerås [06 March 2014] European Job Day - Copenhagen [20 November 2013] European Job Days – Porto [29 - 30 October 2013] European Job Days - Malmö [16 October 2013] Nordic Working [10 October 2013] European Job Days - Paris [03 - 04 October 2013] Living and Working in Dalarna [06 August 2013] Engineers Mobility Days [11 - 12 April 2013] Level Up Your Career! [28 November 2023] – Izberite dogodek –