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Opis ponudbe za zaposlitev

You start by preparing the room (cleaning, setting tables, preparing and preparing drinks (suitable wines, beers and mocktails)

Together with the chef you will discuss the lunch of the day

You look at and study every new dish

You make a knowledge list about the wines and beers

Checking cutlery, glasses, presence of butter, etc...


Job related competences:

Advising the customer on his choice of dishes according to his taste and the suggestion of the day
Taking the order
Serving dishes in the dining room
Mise en place in the dining room and pantry
Preparing the tables for the service
Welcoming customers upon arrival at the restaurant, assigning tables and presenting the menu
Clearing the tables
Cleaning the restaurant room

Zahteve za delovno mesto
  • You are customer-oriented
  • You have a neat appearance
  • You are motivated
  • Knowledge of other languages is an asset
  • You have an eye for detail
Lepo je imeti
  • You will end up in a young, enthusiastic and motivated team that wants to provide good service to the customer
  • We support you with your start
Omejitve delovnega mesta

Please only apply if you are an EU-national.

Podrobnosti o zaposlitvi
Poklicno področje:
Področje izobraževanja:
Delovne izkušnje:
Work experience is not required
Jezikovna znanja:
  • English
  • Good
Plačni razpon (Hourly):
15 - 18 EUR (Gross pay)
Date of expiry:

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About organisation

Gourmet restaurant in a homely environment.Every moment counts.Pauline refers to the name of the chef's grandmother. While cooking, she taught the chef a lot of life wisdom. The restaurant is an ode to love, family, and the connecting power of food. Let us enjoy life every moment and let us live by sharing a meal at our home.Go to Gentsesteenweg 178 in Kortrijk and get your feet under the table… Več informacij
