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Opis ponudbe za zaposlitev

Your profile

- Completed training as a geriatric nurse (m/f/d),  nurse (m/f/d), nursing specialist (m/f/d) or Equivalent recognized training

- Good written and spoken German language skills

- Positive attitude towards working with elderly people in need of care

- Distinct social and communicative competence

- Diligence, thoroughness and reliability

- Calmness, balance and patience

- Discretion and trustworthiness

- Willingness to update one's own professional knowledge through continuous

through continuous training

- Willingness to work shifts and weekends

Zahteve za delovno mesto

Recognizing the certificates in Germany is a must.

Speaking German at least at B1 level is a must.

Lepo je imeti

Certificates and espeience in the field of chidcare 

Recognized certificate in Germany

living in Europe 

Podrobnosti o zaposlitvi
Poklicno področje:
Področje izobraževanja:
Delovne izkušnje:
Work experience is required
Trajanje delovnih izkušenj:
Between 2 and 5 years
Jezikovna znanja:
  • German
  • Good
Plačni razpon:
Not provided
Date of expiry:

About organisation

We are part of the German Federal Employment Agency and member of EURES Network (European Employment Service). As a governmental organization we support you free of charge, independently and neutral.Our service includes:Information about working and living in GermanyAssistance in finding a suitable job positionHelp with application and preparation for job interviewsInformation in matters of work… Več informacij
