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Opis ponudbe za zaposlitev

The Roma TPL consortium in partnership with S.A.P. a r.l.  have recently obtained the management of the public transport service in the Province of Udine.

Sap is a company founded in 1986 with the specific aim at providing public transport service by road, mainly connecting multiple Municipalities within Lazio region.

The possible destinations for the bus drivers will be on extraurban routes :

- Torreano -Tarcento -Gemona- Drenchia- Codroipo- Sedegliano- Mortegliano - Latisana


Zahteve za delovno mesto

Minimum requirements:

- class D driving licence

- Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CQC) in accordance with European guidelines.

- Driver's Tachograph Card: additional requirement to operate in the extraurban service: ("Carta del conducente", can be obtained within 15/30 days of time).


Permanent position; contractual conditions according to the rules of the national collective agreement for bus drivers; 14 monthly payments per year; overtime payments and additional allowances for extra service such as cleaning, washing and refueling the bus (during ordinary shifts);  weekly shifts between Monday and Saturday; Sunday is off.


Podrobnosti o zaposlitvi
Poklicno področje:
Delovne izkušnje:
Work experience is not required
Jezikovna znanja:
  • Italian
  • Basic
Plačni razpon:
1500 - 1900 EUR
Date of expiry:
Link for more information:

About organisation

The Roma TPL consortium was founded in 2000 with the specific aim at providing public transport service by road, mainly for the peripheral lines of the Metropolitan city of Rome. Currently it manages the 25% of the Bus local public transport service in the city of Rome, more than 500 buses and 103 lines. Več informacij
