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Opis ponudbe za zaposlitev

The Port Operations trainee will support the tutor in the following activities:
- Management of the ship file and related forms;
- Organising ship services by managing relations with the ship's command and the terminal operator
- Maintaining relations with maritime and port authorities, border police and financial police, aimed at managing the paperwork necessary for port management.
- Ensuring continuous updating of port regulations and tariff ordinances, with consequent transmission to our principals.
- Maintain up-to-date ship information on the various Shipowners' websites
- Carry out mandate reporting and transmit data to the Administrative Department by sending instructions for issuing invoices and disbursement accounts
- Prepare call fund requests.
- Control appropriateness of invoices for port services
- if necessary provides operational support to the relevant office or other operational offices
- Manage relations with various customs service providers
- Manage and takes care of operations during the ship's stay in port, always in relation to activities to be carried out towards customs and port authorities.
- Payment of port dues and anchorage taxes/surcharges, completion of sanitary paperwork, regularisation of crew movements.
- Preparation of ship arrival/departure manifests
- Ship dispatch to Harbour Master's Office
- Fulfilling and submission of customs corrections/changes to manifests
- Assistance with any service that is acquired by the department

Zahteve za delovno mesto

availability, flexibility, politeness
excellent English
good use of the office package
B licence

Lepo je imeti

knowledge of a second foreign language


dynamic environment
excellent professional opportunity
possibility of permanent employment at the end of the internship

Podrobnosti o zaposlitvi
Poklicno področje:
Področje izobraževanja:
Delovne izkušnje:
Work experience is not required
Jezikovna znanja:
  • Italian
  • Fluent
  • English
  • Very good
Plačni razpon (Monthly):
600 - 650 EUR (Net pay)
Date of expiry:
Link for more information:

About organisation

The Medov Group, thanks to a long company history that began in 1947, is a consolidated reality in the maritime world and offers a wide range of services tailored to customer needs. From its headquarters in Genoa, the Medov Group controls the entire operational activity run in Italy and France through its own offices in Savona, La Spezia, Livorno, Cagliari, Civitavecchia, Naples, Venice, Trieste,… Več informacij
