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Opis ponudbe za zaposlitev

We are looking for medical staff that are interested in moving to Sweden and Västerbotten. Right now we are interested in getting in touch with nurses, midwives and doctors. 

Region Västerbotten is the largest employer in the county. We offer health care to all people that live here. We also take responsibility for health and well-being in the furture by conducting cutting-edge research in close partnership with the university.

Zahteve za delovno mesto

We are looking for medical staff with a licence to work as either nurse, midwife or doctor in any country. After we have made contact with each other we can discuss how to proceed. We have the possibility to offer Swedish courses and occupation as non-licensed health care personell while waiting for your license to be approved according to Swedish practice. 


We require good skills in English.

Lepo je imeti
  • Swedish language skills.
  • Knowledge about living in Sweden.
  • Experience of having moved to another country.
  • Health care allowance.
  • Flexible working hours.
  • Extra compensation for parental leave.
  • Extra vacation days.
Omejitve delovnega mesta

In order to get your license to work approved in Sweden you need to apply at Socialstyrelsen.

Podrobnosti o zaposlitvi
Poklicno področje:
Področje izobraževanja:
Delovne izkušnje:
Work experience is not required
Jezikovna znanja:
  • English
  • Good
Plačni razpon (Monthly):
2000 - 6000 EUR (Gross pay)
Date of expiry:
Link for more information:

About organisation

We exist for the health and well-being for all who live and work in Västerbotten. Our main areas of responsibility are healthcare and regional development in the county.Region Västerbotten is a politically governed organization, and our mission is to offer and develop health, care, and regional development. We also offer university healthcare with cutting-edge research both nationally and… Več informacij
