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Opis ponudbe za zaposlitev

Randstad Medical is a Randstad division, specializied on Research and Selection of healthcare profiles. Would you make an experience in Italy, in an highly specialized structure? The activities will be:

administration of therapies; dressings; compilation of medical records; communication with patients; monitoring of patients.

 If you are available to work on shift work, if you are available to learn the German language and you have also a short experience as nurse, we are looking for you! 

Zahteve za delovno mesto

We are looking for  graduate nurses with a regular registration with the professional association.

Lepo je imeti

two years work experience

nurse's title recognized in Italy


training german language

contribution for accomodation

Podrobnosti o zaposlitvi
Poklicno področje:
Področje izobraževanja:
Delovne izkušnje:
Work experience is not required
Jezikovna znanja:
  • Italian
  • Good
  • Dutch
  • Basic
Plačni razpon:
Not provided
Date of expiry:

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About organisation

Fondata in Olanda nel 1960, Randstad è oggi la società leader al mondo nei servizi per le risorse umane. Specializzata nella ricerca, selezione e formazione del personale, Randstad è presente in Italia dal 1999 e conta oggi più di 300 filiali.Grazie all’attività dei nostri professionisti, uniamo le aspettative di chi cerca e di chi offre lavoro creando solidi rapporti di fiducia che definiscono… Več informacij
