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Opis ponudbe za zaposlitev

Are you a Mechanical Engineer looking for a career opportunity in a stimulating and constantly evolving company?
For the industrial reality of the territory, the Technical division of Randstad Italia is looking for the figure of a mechanical designer for a world-leading company in the design and production of machine tools, the company is located in northern Italy and evaluates resources with different levels of preparation.

Zahteve za delovno mesto

The Mechanical Designer we are looking for will take care of:
design and draw mechanical parts and components of industrial machinery;
discuss with production the operational feasibility of the project;
interface with suppliers to the extent applicable; collaborate with the design team to identify solutions and technical improvements.

Lepo je imeti
  • Degree in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent qualification; 
  • previous experience of at least 2 years gained in the drawing and/or technical design of metalworking companies; 
  • ability to use the main design software (AutoCad, Solidworks, etc.); 
  • good knowledge of technical English; precision and organization of work; 
  • ability to meet deadlines.
Podrobnosti o zaposlitvi
Poklicno področje:
Področje izobraževanja:
Delovne izkušnje:
Work experience is not required
Jezikovna znanja:
  • Italian
  • Good
Plačni razpon (Tedensko):
Not provided (Net pay)
Date of expiry:

About organisation

Fondata in Olanda nel 1960, Randstad è oggi la società leader al mondo nei servizi per le risorse umane. Specializzata nella ricerca, selezione e formazione del personale, Randstad è presente in Italia dal 1999 e conta oggi più di 300 filiali.Grazie all’attività dei nostri professionisti, uniamo le aspettative di chi cerca e di chi offre lavoro creando solidi rapporti di fiducia che definiscono… Več informacij
