Kinderanimateur/in (kids entertainer)
Do you love to have fun, laugh at yourself, and spread joy? Then you're just the person we're looking for!
We, the kids from the Happy Club, are hoping for someone who will help us create unforgettable vacation memories. On the dance floor at the kids' disco, you’re our dancing partner; around the campfire, you’re our storyteller; on the climbing towers, you’re our protector, and at all times, you're a trustworthy friend we can count on.
Pssst! Let me tell you a secret: every day, Happy the Clown or his pirate friend Klausi walks through the restaurant to entertain us kids. Everyone thinks they’re real, but I know for sure that it’s you inside the costume! I’m grown up enough to figure that out.
Sometimes there are a lot of us, and on other days fewer, but trust me, even just three pirates can make as much noise as ten! We want games, fun, and excitement! Every day at the Seeklause is full of variety. Just our kids' paradise alone covers 13,000 square meters. There’s so much to discover!
If you’re a lovable, quirky person with a big heart, you should be part of our vacation. Let’s have so much fun together that we end up laughing on the floor!
- Erweitertes Führungszeugnis
- Ausbildung oder Berufserfahrung als Erzieher oder im Bereich Kinderbetreuung, Animation o.ä.
- Spontanität und Freude am improvisieren
- Lust, dein inneres Kind zu wecken sowie Kinderaugen zum Leuchten zu bringen
- Spaß an der Arbeit mit Kindern
- Kreativität und Offenheit
- Empathie und Verantwortungsbewusstsein
- Teamfähigkeit, Loyalität und Menschlichkeit
- Gepflegtes Erscheinungsbild