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Opis ponudbe za zaposlitev

Produzione gelato, vendita alla finestra, pulizia postazione lavorativa.
Condizione della richiesta:
Tipo di contratto: Tempo Determinato diretto da parte dell'azienda in base alle normative del Paese di riferimento (Austria) per 6/8 mesi
N° ore sett.: 40
Retribuzione (specificare moneta): min. 1400 euro netti al mese

Alloggio: sì
Titolo di studi: Preferibile Diploma Alberghiero
Esperienza: Preferibile
Lingue richieste: Italiano C1 indispensabile - Tedesco A2 preferibile

Ice cream production, window sales, workstation cleaning.
Condition of application:
Type of contract: Fixed Terms 6/8 months - direct from the company according to the regulations of the country of reference  (Austria)
No. of hours per week: 40
Remuneration (specify currency): min. 1400 euros net per month

Accommodation: Yes 
Qualifications: Hotel diploma preferred
Experience: Preferable yes
Languages required: Italian C1 mandatory, German A2 preferred

Zahteve za delovno mesto

Lingue richieste: TEDESCO A2 preferibile - Italiano C1 indispensabile

Languages required: GERMAN A2 preferred - Italian C1 mandatory

Omejitve delovnega mesta
  • Be an Italian or EU citizen and, if non-EU, already have a regular residence permit;
  • Have an availability of at least two/three months.
Podrobnosti o zaposlitvi
Poklicno področje:
Področje izobraževanja:
Delovne izkušnje:
Work experience is not required
Jezikovna znanja:
  • Italian
  • Fluent
  • German
  • Basic
Plačni razpon (Monthly):
1400 - 1550 EUR (Net pay)
Date of expiry:

About organisation

EURES Italy is looking for you!EURES Italy promotes conscious, quality and circular professional mobility.Its actions are aimed at matching demand and supply of labor according to the legal status of the subjects in mobility."We have a wide array of job openings across many fields of expertise. EURES Italy is arranging this online recruitment event together with other countries, where you… Več informacij
