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Opis ponudbe za zaposlitev

Viking Cruises Trainee Assessment Center is an unique recruiting opportunity for candidates m/f/mx interested in working on board Viking Cruises, but have no or not sufficient experience gained within the hospitality or cruise industry so far.

All recruited candidates-trainees m/f/mx will receive a fully certified training before taking up their new roles, which is provided and paid directly by the shipping company (+ pocket money).

Recruitment - Trainee Assessment Center takes place online in 2 steps. Step 1 one includes a comprehensive company presentation followed by a one-to-one online video call with a recruiter of Viking Cruises on various dates. To be able to attend you will need to register with us in advance! You can sign up by sending us your current CV via email or complete or online registration. It is necessary to attach your CV in English and your most recent photograph.

Internship/ trainee positions on offer:

Galley/Cook Trainee m/f/mx

General requirements of Viking Cruises:

    • Communicative English language skills
    • Flexibility and resistance to stress
    • Visible tattoos and piercings are not allowed - visible tattoos depend on the type of uniform to any specific position (e.g. short/long sleeves). Please inform us in advance about any visible tattoo.
    • Preferably has worked as Utility and/or understands the kitchen
    • Able to deal with physical workload
    • Able to deal with a high level of stress

Who is behind Viking Cruises and what do they offer?

    • International shipping company based in Switzerland and USA
    • Operates more than 65 modern river ships only in Europe
    • Regularly awarded as the world's leading river cruise line
    • Ships ae sailing with international passengers from the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand
    • Swiss or French (ship) employment contracts
    • Monthly salary starting from minimal 1700 € Net (lowest entrance position)
    • Health, social and pension insurance covered
    • Secured accommodation and meals
    • Travel costs reimbursed
    • Secured and paid training before boarding + pocket money during training
    • Modern cabins with internet
    • Complete uniform provided
    • 2/3 month rotation throughout the season (rotation is about 2 months on board and 10 - 14 days paid leave)


Spoken language on board: English language

Place of work: modern and state of art river cruise ships sailing the rivers in Europe such as Rhine, Main, Danube, Elbe, Saone, Ronne, Seine, Garonne, Douro

  • countries of visit: Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Portugal

Season start: March  2022 - for new season 2022

Podrobnosti o zaposlitvi
Poklicno področje:
Delovne izkušnje:
Work experience is not required
Plačni razpon:
Not provided
Date of expiry:
Link for more information:

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