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Opis ponudbe za zaposlitev

MSC Cruises is working hard on re-starting its cruise operation with 10 vessels sailing until August 2021.

They will be deployed in various destinations in Europe - Western Mediterranean, Eastern Mediterranean and Northern Europe.

The restart fleet includes two newbuilds, the MSC Virtuosa, slated to offer cruises in the United Kingdom, and the MSC Seashore, poised to spend its inaugural season in the Mediterranean.

As lcontracted recruiting partner of MSC Cruises we are currently reviewing all applications received during the last year with the recruitment stop in place and will reach out to potential candidates.

During the re-start a strict health protocol will be in place to ensure safe travel experiences for the guests and crew of MSC Cruises.

As a pioneer within the cruise industry MSC Cruises is setting the standard for the succesful re-start.

If you are interested to join for the restart we would like to inform you that we are currently reviewing profiles for the following departments and positions - all positions are equally for male/ female and divers.

Cook m/f/mx various levels - from Assistant Cook to Sous Chef

For the international Galley team we are looking to interview candidates from various skill levels:

  • Assistant Cook m/f/mx
  • 2nd Cook m/f/mx
  • 1st Cook m/fmx
  • Chef de Partie m/f/mx
  • Sous Chef m/f/mx

Depending on your background and previous work experience, various entrance chances are currently given for the re-start of the cruise operation of MSC Cruises.

You need to bring with you a professional vocational training as Chef, good English language skills and previous relevant work experience in the field as a Cook/ Chef in a 4* -5* Hotel environment or cruise ship operation.


Podrobnosti o zaposlitvi
Poklicno področje:
Področje izobraževanja:
Delovne izkušnje:
Work experience is required
Trajanje delovnih izkušenj:
Up to 2 years
Jezikovna znanja:
  • English
  • Good
Required skills:
use cooking techniques
Plačni razpon:
Not provided
Date of expiry:

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