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Opis ponudbe za zaposlitev

Café Skt Gertrud - 35 years ownership of french traditions and a family owned institution in Odense's most beautiful location.

We are looking for an experienced skilled chef for our popular French-inspired Café and Brasserie in Denmark.

We have a dynamic team in both the kitchen and the Café, and are looking for a chef as an important part of the family.

You must have a stable CV with experience in a la carte brasserie.

We offer: Average 4 days a week - 160 hours per month

The shifts are: 15-23 8-16 11-23

Salary Dkk. 28,0000 incl. Supplement

Apply directly to:

Podrobnosti o zaposlitvi
Poklicno področje:
Delovne izkušnje:
Work experience is required
Trajanje delovnih izkušenj:
Up to 2 years
Jezikovna znanja:
  • English
  • Fair
Plačni razpon:
Not provided
Date of expiry:
Link for more information:

About organisation

🌍 Workindenmark: Your Gateway to a Tech Career in DenmarkWorkindenmark is the national public employment service for qualified international candidates looking for a job in Denmark and Danish companies searching for foreign candidates. As part of the Danish Ministry of Employment and member of EURES (European Employment Services), Workindenmark provides:✅ Information and guidance for… Več informacij
