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UAlg Online Careers Fair 2020

Datum dogodka:
12 November 2020
Vrsta dogodka:
Status registracije:

96 delovnih mest, ki so na voljo za ta dogodek

Jobs recorded for this event: 282

Please note that the number of jobs displayed on this page may have decreased.

Na voljo za dogodek:
O modulu:

Description des tâches: The position involves supporting the …. in the production of the national EU-SILC data as well as methodological work for other ….surveys: - Preparation of the survey questionnaire - Data checking and validation - Imputation of missing income components - Gross-net tax calculations - Computation of sampling weights - Construction of the final datasets to be transmitted to Eurostat - Writing of a quality report and documentation of the whole process - Estimation of mode effect - Matching income, consumption and wealth Études: Niveau d'étude demandé egal Master (Bac+5) ...

Kraj zaposlitve:
Plačni razpon:
Not provided
Na voljo za dogodek:
O modulu:

WITHUS is a technology-oriented company with its activity focused on specialized consulting services and product custom design and delivery. Combining high know-how in printed circuit design , embedded systems, microcontroller based designs, smart energy, telecommunication systems, wireless technologies, software development, among other skills, WITHUS brings expertise and key solutions to the market. At WITHUS we strive for quality, we privilege relationships, and we stand out for excellence. With more than 20 years, our history is guided by the dedication to each employee, focusing on career ...

Kraj zaposlitve:
Jezikovna znanja:
  • English
  • Good
  • Portuguese
  • Good
Plačni razpon:
Not provided
Na voljo za dogodek:
O modulu:

Programa educativo de componente prática. Trata-se de uma experiência profissional na Irlanda, com remuneração e alojamento. A oportunidade de conhecer outro país, cultura e métodos de trabalho, enriquecer o CV e viajar para a Irlanda, com garantias e em segurança. Funções Dependem do nível de inglês e do perfil do candidato, desde receção, cozinha, empregado mesa/bar, housekeeping, bagageiro, entre muitas outras. O programa é nas áreas de turismo e hotelaria, em hotéis em toda a Irlanda. Benefícios Salário mínimo na Irlanda - 10,10 Euros por hora de trabalho ou mais. O alojamento é ...

Kraj zaposlitve:
Plačni razpon:
Not provided
Na voljo za dogodek:
O modulu:

One of the most exciting web-based companies in Europe is looking for you. Over a million monthly website visitors. Hundreds of thousands of active users. International ambitions that we are turning into reality. We are Colourbox. We lead Europe in providing visual content to every type of business. Our web platform grants access to millions of photos, videos, and vector illustrations supplied by 35,000+ professional creatives from across the globe. Half a million users rely on our help to buy content for every purpose imaginable. We offer them a frictionless solution with clear pricing on ...

Kraj zaposlitve:
Plačni razpon:
Not provided
Na voljo za dogodek:
O modulu:

One of the most exciting web-based companies in Europe is looking for you. Over a million monthly website visitors. Hundreds of thousands of active users. International ambitions that we are turning into reality. We are Colourbox. We lead Europe in providing visual content to every type of business. Our web platform grants access to millions of photos, videos, and vector illustrations supplied by 35,000+ professional creatives from across the globe. Half a million users rely on our help to buy content for every purpose imaginable. We offer them a frictionless solution with clear pricing on ...

Kraj zaposlitve:
Plačni razpon:
Not provided
Na voljo za dogodek:
O modulu:

Job description One of the most exciting web-based companies in Europe is looking for you. Over a million monthly website visitors. Hundreds of thousands of active users. International ambitions that we’re turning into reality. We are Colourbox. We lead Europe in providing visual content to every type of business. Our web platform grants access to millions of photos, videos, and vector illustrations supplied by 35,000+ professional creatives from across the globe. Half a million users rely on our help to buy content for every purpose imaginable. We offer them a frictionless solution with clear ...

Kraj zaposlitve:
Plačni razpon:
Not provided
Na voljo za dogodek:
O modulu:

Description des tâches: Réaliser l’accueil des patients en vue d’une anesthésie Assister le médecin anesthésiste lors de l’induction de l’anesthésie Surveiller les anesthésies et réaliser les soins et actes nécessaires au maintien de l’anesthésie Assurer sous la responsabilité du médecin anesthésiste ou en collaboration directe avec ce dernier, le réveil du patient suite à une anesthésie Visiter les patients et réajuster le traitement anti-douleur en collaboration avec le médecin anesthésiste Accompagner et surveiller les patients lors des séances au caisson hyperbare Réaliser des ...

Kraj zaposlitve:
Plačni razpon:
Not provided
Na voljo za dogodek:
O modulu:

Infirmier ou infirmier psychiatrique pour l'hôpital de jour de psychiatrie (m/f) Mission : L’infirmier prévoit organise et dispense des soins de sa propre initiative ou sur prescription médicale. Il fait face à des situations d'urgence et/ou de crise. Il joue un rôle déterminant d'intermédiaire dans la prise en charge du patient et de son entourage que ce soit au niveau de l'équipe pluridisciplinaire ou avec les partenaires extérieurs à l’institution. L’infirmier preste des soins infirmiers préventifs, curatifs ou palliatifs qui sont de nature relationnelle, technique ou éducative. Il ...

Kraj zaposlitve:
Plačni razpon:
Not provided
Na voljo za dogodek:
O modulu:

Job Description Danfoss is looking for a Mechanical Engineer or experienced Technician, within the design of Heat Exchangers for the industrial market applications, to join our journey in developing the new generation of heat exchangers- with a huge market potential. We are approx. 50 employees in our Global R&D function, which covers areas such as Product Research, Product Design, Customer Projects and Production tools. You will be a key person in the R&D and Product Engineering team and report to the Director of the Product Design department. Your work base will be Kolding, Denmark. Job ...

Kraj zaposlitve:
Plačni razpon:
Not provided
Na voljo za dogodek:
O modulu:

Job Description Danfoss Drives is looking for a Software Developer to join our global team based in Denmark, Finland, China, USA and India. The location of the position will be Gråsten, Denmark. In this role you will work with SW development and maintenance of our global end-of-line test and configuration system, which is based upon Azure technologies such as IoT hub, functions, Cosmos DB, web apps and TestStand clients. At Danfoss Drives, we recognize and address the megatrends affecting the world today. Innovating technology that tackles climate change, helps cope with rapid urbanization and ...

Kraj zaposlitve:
Plačni razpon:
Not provided