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Capomondo SA gruppo italiano di ristorazione con sede a Ginevra cerca n. 5 pizzaioli per i suoi ristoranti in Svizzera per le sedi di Ginevra, Losanna, Nyon, Sion, Friburgo e Zurigo Mansioni: All'interno del nostro reparto Pizzeria e sotto la responsabilità dello Chef Pizzaiolo ti occuperai di: Preparare l'impasto della pizza e controllarne la fermentazione Controllo degli ingredienti, stoccaggio e allestimento Controllo della conformità delle consegne Controllare il lavoro del proprio team Implementare i mezzi necessari per assicurare il buon funzionamento del servizio Scrivere rapporti ...
- Italian
- Very good
Are you a Nurse who has started their NMBI registration process and looking to relocate to Ireland? If so we have an exciting opportunity for Pre Registered Nurses to work with our Client a care home group with locations across Ireland. Duties & Responsibilities You will assess, plan, implement and evaluate care to the highest professional and ethical standards of care practiced in the relevant care setting. You will provide holistic, person-centered care, promoting optimum independence and enhancing the quality of life for residents Requirements Previous care experience Qualification in ...
Termín nástupu: Ihneď Krajina: DE - Nemecko Mesto: Erfurt Druh pracovného pomeru: Sezónna práca Trvanie pracovného pomeru: Sezónna práca Ponúkaná mzda: 2000.00 EUR /brutto /mesacne/ Poznámka ku mzde: 12,00 € -13,30€ hod brutto + príplatky za nočnú zmenu 25% , za nedeľu 50% , za sviatok 100% Pozícia vhodná pre absolventa: áno Popis pracovného miesta • Obsluha stroja • Práca za pásom • Pracuje sa v 3 zmennej prevádzke • Ľahká práca zameraná na kvalitu výrobku. • Manipulácia s výrobkami • Kontrola kvality výrobkov https://www.griesson-debeukelaer.de/de/de/header-navigation/factory-outlets.html ...
We have an exciting opportunity for Healthcare Assistants for our Client a care home group based in Dublin. Duties & Responsibilities The Health Care Assistant will assess, plan, implement and evaluate care to the highest professional and ethical standards of care practiced in the relevant care setting. The Health Care Assistant will provide holistic, person centered care, promoting optimum independence and enhancing the quality of life for residents Requirements Previous care experience Qualification in care Ability to work 12-hour shift patterns Must have the right to work in Ireland as no ...
Krajina: DE - Nemecko Mesto: Erfurt Druh pracovného pomeru: Pracovný pomer na plný úväzok Trvanie pracovného pomeru: Pracovný pomer na dobu neurčitú Ponúkaná mzda: 12.00 EUR (na hodinu) brutto Poznámka ku mzde: + príplatky: 25% nočná zmena ,50% nedeľa, 100% sviatok. Možnosť aj nadčasov. Pozícia vhodná pre absolventa: áno Popis pracovného miesta Náplň práce, právomoci a zodpovednosti Hľadáme pracovníkov (ženy, muži, páry), ktorí budú pracovať s rôznymi balíkmi v DHL sklade. Náplňou práce je vykladanie balíkov na triediacu linku podľa objednávky, následné triedenie a príprava balíkov na ...
- Slovak
- Basic
Práca na riečnych lodiach BEZ ZNALOSTI JAZYKA! Na prácu budeš pred nástupom zaučený slovenským kolegom! Obsadzované pozície Chyžné - Potrebná prax aspoň cca 2 mesiace Čistá mesačná mzda od 1700 € - Poskytnuté ubytovanie (+wifi) a strava - Hradené všetky zákonné odvody vo Švajčiarsku alebo Francúzsku - Pracovná zmluva priamo s lodnou spoločnosťou, bez akýchkoľvek poplatkov - Preplatené cestovné náklady - Zmluva na celú sezónu 2022 s pracovným turnusom 2 mesiace na lodi/2 týždne doma Termín nástupu: koniec mája Prihlásiť sa môžeš e-mailom alebo prostredníctvom registrácie. Poprosíme ťa priložiť ...
Unser familiengeführtes Berghotel und Restaurant AlpenOase SONNHOF befindet sich mitten im Ski-und Wandergebiet in Saalbach-Hinterglemm, dem "Home of Lässig" und ist seit 2017 das erste Bogensport-Hotel mit hauseigenem 3D-Parcours im Glemmtal. Veranstaltungen wie Hochzeiten, Jubiläen und weitere Events ergänzen unsere Angebotspalette."Miteinander und Füreinander" ist das Motto für uns und unsere 9 Mitarbeiter/innen zur Erreichung des gemeinsamen Ziels: der begeisterte Gast. Unser familiäres Betriebsklima, zeigt sich auch an unserem hohen Anteil langjähriger Stammmitarbeiter/innen. Die ...
- German
- Very good
A plant of one of our largest customer in the logistics industry is locatedIn Grammetal (Germany), close to Erfurt. Here you can find stable work as a warehouse employee in an international team. We are looking for several warehouse employees in Grammetal, with or without work experience, there are also oportunities for career changers. German language skills are not necessarily required. It is sufficient if you speak either some English or Slovak. And you don't have to worry about housing. It is a great opportunity to gather work and live experience in Germany. Your responsibilities Loading ...
- Slovak
- Good
Are you passionate about Treasury? And do you have a talent for driving cash management, and produce and develop the monthly treasury reporting? Then you might be our new colleague at Hempel. With our Double Impact strategy, our ambition is to double Hempel’s revenue by 2025 through both organic growth and mergers or acquisitions. This significant step-change in our growth will be delivered through leadership in our chosen segments, customer partnerships and sustainability leadership. To support the ambition, Treasury are securing the funding for the growth and making the treasury ...
- English
- Good
Are you passionate about Raw Material and Formulation Management? And do you have a talent for formulation optimization and maintenance of corporate formulations? Then you might be our new colleague at Hempel. With our Double Impact strategy, our ambition is to double Hempel’s revenue by 2025 through both organic growth and mergers or acquisitions. To support this ambition our R&D department Global Raw Material and Formulation Management is taking responsibility for providing support to the Hempel Group regarding maintenance of formulations, raw material compliance and availability and ...
- English
- Good