About the EURES Member
EURES Iceland is part of the recruitment services offered by The Directorate of Labour in Iceland. Our service includes:
- New in Iceland - Information on how to prepare for job search and how to find a job in Iceland.
- Recruitment and placement services for employers.
- Information on living and working in Iceland.
- Information on the situation of the labour market.
- Information on the relocation process to Iceland
You can contact us by email: eures@vmst.is or via our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/EURESinIceland
Information on job search in Iceland is available on our website: Work | Directorate of Labour (vinnumalastofnun.is)
Information on the latest Covid 19 restrictions in Iceland are available here: Official information about COVID-19 in Iceland
Since autumn 2008 many jobs have been lost on the Icelandic labour market, especially in construction and the retail and service sector, as a result of reductions in private consumption. Business has increased in the tourism industry and has benefitted from the reduction in the value of the Icelandic krona.
The number of tourists has increased and it is expected that this development will continue, bringing with it an increase in related jobs. The software development and IT sector has grown in recent years and there is now something of a shortage of computer scientists and software developers of all kinds.
Representatives of the industry believe that over the next few years about 1000 people need to graduate in this discipline in order to meet the industry’s needs. In addition, there is a shortage of labour within the metal industry, for example for welding and iron working. Within the health sector there is a shortage of personnel at all levels. Doctors and other health professionals have increasingly moved out of the country or not returned home after specialising during residencies or fellowships abroad.
Public services:
Frontpage | Directorate of Labour (vinnumalastofnun.is) The Directorate of Labour
English | Þjóðskrá (skra.is) Registers Iceland
Iceland Revenue and Customs (skatturinn.is) Iceland Revenue and Customs
Sjúkratryggingar Íslands - Icelandic Health Insurance (sjukra.is) Icelandic Health Insurance
English – Vinnueftirlitið (vinnueftirlitid.is) Administration of Occupational Safety and Health
English | Lögreglan (logreglan.is) The Icelandic Police
Statistics Iceland - Frontpage (statice.is) Statistics Iceland
Cities and municipalities:
Front Page | Reykjavik Reykjavík city
English - Samband íslenskra sveitarfélaga Icelandic Association of Local Authorities
Recognition of Education and Qualification:
Iðan - IÐAN education centre (idan.is) Iðan Education Centre
The Labour Market:
English - Alþýðusamband Íslands (asi.is) The Icelandic Confederation of Labour
In recent years the number of people of working age has increased by two to three thousand a year. There has been a severe contraction in the economy over the last years so in general the demand for jobs considerably outweighs supply. This is now changing and there is greater equilibrium between demand and supply. As the level of education is high in Iceland, there is a considerable number of well-educated people unemployed, but it should be mentioned that half of the individuals registered as unemployed are educated only to junior secondary level.
The population of Iceland numbers 376.000 (1 January 2022).
In January 2022 the unemployment rate was 5,2% on average compared to 4,9% in December 2021.
Statistics Iceland - Frontpage (statice.is) Statistics Iceland
Where can you find available vacancies in Iceland?
The Directorate of Labour offers information on where to find available vacancies in Iceland: Work | Directorate of Labour (vinnumalastofnun.is)
Among sectors in need of employees in Iceland:
- Service
- HoReCa
- Transportation
- Construction
- Health sector
- IT
Job search in Iceland will in the majority of cases require the job seeker to speak English. Icelandic language skills are a great advantage.
If you do not speak Icelandic you can find available vacancies in Iceland, listed by EURES Iceland on the EURES portal: www.eures.europa.eu Vacancies categorised with a EURES flag indicate that the employer is also looking for European candidates.