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The University of Teramo has 5 Faculties, 21 Degree Programmes, more than 20 Masters6 Specialisation Schools and is involved in 10 research areas.

We have two centres of excellence - dealing with law, politics and communication on the one hand, and with studies in agriculture, biology and veterinary medicine on the other. From such strong points, innovative educational paths have originated, also creating a link to the job market.

Research has achieved concrete results enabling our University to build a very close network of relations within the scientific community worldwide. Both postgraduate and vocational training guarantees high-level proficiency in several areas - legal professions, economics, social sciences, communication, management, politics, governance as well as animal health.

Internationalisation in and beyond EU Member States is a key element of the University of Teramo, which has set up fruitful collaborations with the centres of excellence located in the US, on the Adriatic coast and in Latin America. Such internationalisation is underpinned by integrating the ministerial grants for student mobility with University funds and strengthening University Language Centre's activities in order to enhance foreign language learning.

ICTs have always influenced both our way of thinking and teaching/learning methods. As a result, an e-learning platform and language, multimedia, television and radio laboratories have been implemented over the last few years.

University facilities

  • Campus Coste St. Agostino: 50,000 m2 wide. It hosts the Rector's Office, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Political Science, the Faculty of Communication Science, the Faculty of Bioscience and Agro-Food and Environmental Technology, the first two years of the degree programmes of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine as well as the degree programmes in Biotechnology. This campus hosts also a canteen, a TV studio, a University radio and a movie hall where live shows are held as well. 
  • University Veterinary Teaching Hospital: 100,000 m2 wide. It hosts the second three years of the degree programme of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.


Job Placement Office supports our graduates with services concerning work orientation in the fields of their specialization but also in the development of professional soft skills through workshops, meetings or webinars in line with the needs of the labor market.

The Office has the accreditation to the Labour Services of the Abruzzo Region, becoming part of a system of labor services based on cooperation between public and private operators that support a European Youth Guarantee Program of traineeship for unemployed graduates in private companies in Italy and Europe.

Since 2013, the “Career Day” has been organized every year where students and graduates have the opportunity to meet companies and other representatives of the labor market and evaluate job offers.


Podrobnosti o organizaciji
Kontaktni podatki:

Università degli Studi di Teramo

Campus "Aurelio Saliceti"

via R. Balzarini 1 - I 64100 Teramo

tel. +39 0861 2661


Ufficio Job Placement

IV livello Polo Didattico G. D'Annunzio

Campus "Aurelio Saliceti"


Event participation(s)

Udeležba: Spletna