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Dear Finland Works Participant,

We would like to warmly welcome you to visit the Technology Industry EURES stand of Finland Works -event!


For your information!  Technology Industry Association will perform on the main stage of  this event to tell about the needs of Finland's Technology Industry. Go listen to the presentation!


On this page you will get a short introduction to the Technology sectors in Finland and more information about working in these industries. You can also discuss with us about your employment opportunities in this event and we will also give you other useful tips for your job search and share information about working and living in Finland in general. 


Technology Industries of Finland is Finland's largest export sector and the most significant industry consisting over 50 % of all Finnish exports. Technology companies offer sustainable solutions to human, environmental and social problems. Companies in the sector operate in international markets and bring income to Finland that maintains the Finnish welfare society.


If you want to ask something, you are welcome to the chat with EURES advisers at 11:00 am – 3 pm (CET).


Our largest and the most important sector in Finland

Subsectors and some numbers

The Technology Industry is comprised of five sub-sectors:

 1.  Electronics and the Electrotechnical Industry

2. Mechanical Engineering

3. Metals Industry (etc. Maritime and Automobile Industries, Forest and Mining Industry Machines)

4. Consulting Engineering

5. Information Technology

More than 320 000 Finns work in technology companies, while a total of 700 000 people work in the Technology sector either directly or indirectly. (Finnish population, about 5 550 000).

Responsible for 65 % of all private sector investment in research and development carried out in Finland, Technology companies play a vital role in the future success of the country.  


Keys to our success

1. Strong industrial traditions

2. Innovative design and product development operations

3. Skilled people

4. State-of-the-art technology – including that needed to minimize environmental effects

5. Digital competence


The Finnish Technology Industries Association/Teknologiateollisuus ry

The Finnish Technology Industries Association is an influencer organisation in industrial and labour market policy that promotes the competitiveness and operating conditions of the sector.

Frontpage | Technology Industries (


You can find the list of the Finnish Technology Industries Association member companies here:

To familiarize yourself with the Finnish companies in the Technology sector more broadly, see the attached list. The list is including The Finnish Technology Industries Association´s member companies. The companies are listed nationally and by geographical location in Finland. You can use this list also for your job search.  The list has been compiled only in Finnish, but you will find the companies by following this path:

Teknologiateollisuuden työnantajat (Employers of the Technology Industry) ->

Yhdistys (Association) ->

Tietoa jäsenyydestä (Information about membership) ->

Jäsenluettelo (List of members) ->

3 linkkiä (links):

Tietotekniikka (ICT)

Suunnittelu ja konsultointi (Consulting Engineering)

Teollisuudenalojen jäsenyritykset (Member companies in the Industrial sector)

  • Just click the link and you will find the list of the companies. Copy company name on your browser and get to know the company and the opportunities it offers (company pages mostly in English, too)!


The 100th Anniversary Foundation of the Technology/Teknologiateollisuuden 100-vuotissäätiö

The 100th Anniversary Foundation of the Technology Industry supports growth and the renewal of Finland.

In English | Teknologiateollisuuden 100-vuotissäätiö (


Collective labor agreements and more accurate Salary information

Collective agreements | Technology Industries (


Please also check out

Working in Finland - guide for immigrants in 13 different languages. The guide provides advice for example how to find a job In Finland and what is the Finnish working culture like. The guide will also guide you to other useful sources of information.

Working in Finland –  Finnish Institute of Occupational Health 



As you may have heard, The Finnish education system is gaining prestige around the world. In Finland, the educational opportunities are wide and education is possible throughout life. Related to this, we have a saying that Repetition is the mother of studies. So, if you are still thinking what the Technology Industry in Finland has to offer, please see the YouTube video at the beginning.

What kind of future would you like to build with us?


Hot jobs

Open job opportunities for technology sector in this event, click here. 


Open job opportunities for industry sector in Finland:

Jobs in Finland

EURES portal

Job market


Monster (industry)

Please be aware that you can send an open application directly to the Finnish company where you would like to work, even if there are no vacancies in the company at the moment. Companies will also consider these open applications in their future recruitment needs.

Podrobnosti o organizaciji
Kontaktni podatki:

Instructions for using the chat room: When you want to enter the chat room, it may already be occupied by another jobseeker, and you will be placed in the lobby. Please wait until you are invited in. If possible, prepare your questions beforehand and be brief.

Event participation(s)

05 Oktober 2022
Udeležba: Spletna