EURES Sweden Skilled Labour Professionals
About the organisation
Sweden needs many skills today, both in the private sector as well as the public sector. As for an example, many industries are expanding strongly and are doing well. Others are newly established. They need more labour force.
This has also effects on the entire labour market, for example in services, schools and care for the elderly.
80/20 is the distribution between jobs that require at most upper secondary education and university education. This means a good market for many jobseekers.
On Swedish Day you have companies (see links below) that are in need of Truck and Bus Technicians, Machine Mechanics, Mechanics, Welders and Machine Operators as well as Process Operators.
Hot jobs
GE MASKINTJÄNST AB - Machine Mechanic you work with maintainance and repairs of machines, mechanics/welders - maintainance by repairs by welding of steel construction
WIST LAST & BUSS -Truck Technicians and Bus Technicians