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Work in Greece (Fiλoξeniα)
Dátum udalosti:
07 február 2024
Druh podujatia:
On-line, Recruitment event
Stav registrácie:
161 pracovné miesta dostupné pre toto podujatie
Jobs recorded for this event: 230
Please note that the number of jobs displayed on this page may have decreased.
Pokročilé vyhľadávanie
K dispozícii pre podujatie:
Informácie o:
SSP Hellas company successfully operates restaurants and coffee shops at the largest airports of Greece (Athens, Thessaloniki, Rhodes, Corfu, Chania, Zakynthos, Kos & Mykonos) branding over 40 units of leading brands, such as Starbucks, Burger King, Eat Greek, Flocafé, Cultivos, Mon Kooloor, La Pasteria and employs more than 500 personnel. Barista-Service Responsibilities • Preparation of drinks as well as sale of accompanying food products • Implementation of beverage quality standards • Communication and customer service
Jazykové zručnosti:
- Greek
- Fluent
- English
- Basic
Platové rozpätie (Mesačne):
Not provided (Gross pay)