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K dispozícii pre podujatie:
Informácie o:

Service Technician Objective Commissioning, maintaining, and inspecting medium voltage installations for projects domestically and abroad. Position in the Organization Team Leader Service Coordinator Service Technician AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY Service Activities Testing, inspecting, and commissioning (new) installations and components. Performing and documenting (technical) corrective and preventive tasks in accordance with SS 436 40 00./ SS-EN 50110. Clearly coordinating and discussing tasks and responsibilities on-site. Analyzing and resolving technical issues, in consultation with third ...

Netherlands, almere
Jazykové zručnosti:
  • English
  • Good
  • Dutch
  • Fair
Platové rozpätie (Mesačne):
3500 - 4500 EUR (Gross pay)
K dispozícii pre podujatie:
Informácie o:

Service Technician Objective Commissioning, maintaining, and inspecting medium voltage installations for projects domestically and abroad. Position in the Organization Team Leader Service Coordinator Service Technician AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY Service Activities Testing, inspecting, and commissioning (new) installations and components. Performing and documenting (technical) corrective and preventive tasks in accordance with SS 436 40 00./ SS-EN 50110. Clearly coordinating and discussing tasks and responsibilities on-site. Analyzing and resolving technical issues, in consultation with third ...

Jazykové zručnosti:
  • English
  • Good
Platové rozpätie (Mesačne):
3500 - 4500 EUR (Gross pay)

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