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As an Associate Linguist, you will provide linguistic expertise for developing NLP tools for the target language. You will be involved in annotation, creating grammar rules, formulating language templates, finding patterns, and evaluating existing data. Full training on tools and processes will be provided. RESPONSIBILITIES Annotation Creating grammar rules Formulating language templates Finding patterns Evaluating existing data

Krajina pracoviska:
Platové rozpätie:
Not provided
K dispozícii pre podujatie:
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As an Associate Linguist, you will provide linguistic expertise for developing NLP tools for the target language. You will be involved in annotation, creating grammar rules, formulating language templates, finding patterns, and evaluating existing data. Full training on tools and processes will be provided. RESPONSIBILITIES Annotation Creating grammar rules Formulating language templates Finding patterns Evaluating existing data

Krajina pracoviska:
Platové rozpätie:
Not provided
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As an Associate Linguist, you will provide linguistic expertise for developing NLP tools for the target language. You will be involved in annotation, creating grammar rules, formulating language templates, finding patterns, and evaluating existing data. Full training on tools and processes will be provided. RESPONSIBILITIES Annotation Creating grammar rules Formulating language templates Finding patterns Evaluating existing data

Krajina pracoviska:
Platové rozpätie:
Not provided
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As Linguistic Project Manager you will manage administrative and operational elements of projects to assure successful completion and Client satisfaction while meeting company financial goals for the project. The Project Manager is the primary Client contact. RESPONSIBILITIES Leading team of linguists to fulfillment of performance targets set for the year Planning, prioritizing and assigning workload to relevant team members Serving as gate-keeper of client deadlines Trouble-shooting, training and mentoring the team Preparing guidelines for semantic, syntactic and morphological analysis ...

Krajina pracoviska:
Platové rozpätie:
Not provided
K dispozícii pre podujatie:
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As Linguistic Project Manager you will manage administrative and operational elements of projects to assure successful completion and Client satisfaction while meeting company financial goals for the project. The Project Manager is the primary Client contact. RESPONSIBILITIES Leading team of linguists to fulfillment of performance targets set for the year Planning, prioritizing and assigning workload to relevant team members Serving as gate-keeper of client deadlines Trouble-shooting, training and mentoring the team Preparing guidelines for semantic, syntactic and morphological analysis ...

Krajina pracoviska:
Platové rozpätie:
Not provided
K dispozícii pre podujatie:
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As Linguistic Project Manager you will manage administrative and operational elements of projects to assure successful completion and Client satisfaction while meeting company financial goals for the project. The Project Manager is the primary Client contact. RESPONSIBILITIES Leading team of linguists to fulfillment of performance targets set for the year Planning, prioritizing and assigning workload to relevant team members Serving as gate-keeper of client deadlines Trouble-shooting, training and mentoring the team Preparing guidelines for semantic, syntactic and morphological analysis ...

Krajina pracoviska:
Platové rozpätie:
Not provided
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SIMON-Fleisch ist ein ständig wachsendes Unternehmen mit einer langjährigen Familien- und Firmentradition. Unser Kerngeschäft umfasst die Schlachtung und Zerlegung von Schweinen und Rindern sowie die Herstellung von Fleischwaren. Unsere Kunden reichen von regionalen Fleischereien bis hin zu Fleischwarenherstellern in der ganzen Welt. An unserem Hauptsitz in Wittlich und an den Standorten in Prüm und Lissendorf, in der Mittelgebirgsregion Eifel/Mosel, beschäftigen wir über 600 Mitarbeiter. Wir gehören zu den Top 10 der fleischproduzierenden Unternehmen in Deutschland. Unser Erfolg am Markt ...

Krajina pracoviska:
Platové rozpätie:
Not provided
K dispozícii pre podujatie:
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Wir sind ein eingespieltes Team. Ob Disposition, Fahrpersonal, oder Fuhrparkleitung; ob Faktura, Finanzbuchhaltung oder Geschäftsleitung: nur wenn alle mit Respekt und Freude als Team zusammenarbeiten, können die Abläufe gelingen. Gemeinsam arbeiten wir Tag für Tag an der Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden. Unser aller Ziel: den guten Namen unseres Familienunternehmens zu bewahren. Besonders stolz sind wir auf unseren langjährig selbst ausgebildeten Nachwuchs. Sowohl im kaufmännischen Bereich als auch bei den Berufskraftfahrern und Nutzfahrzeugmechatronikern bilden wir die Fachkräfte von morgen aus ...

Krajina pracoviska:
Platové rozpätie:
Not provided

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