Lavora con noi
Lavoro e divertimento assicurato Stiamo cercando:
Mini club entertaines
intrattenitori con competenze linguistiche in inglese, o tedesco.
Fitness, acquagym, stretching
Sportivi Calcio, Ping Pong, Beach Volley e Darts
Altre competenze desiderabili: apertura mentale, capacità di comunicazione.
I candidati interessati possono inviare un CV con una foto
all'indirizzo e-mail: info@tribalanimazione.it
Our agency provides professional and quality entertainment services. We direct our work to tourist villages, hotels, campsites, tour operators and events of all kinds, both in seaside and mountain locations.
Tribal Animazione has carefully selected and adequately trained staff, in order to guarantee the best possible result for each type of service.
Work with us
Work and fun guaranteed We are looking for:
Mini club entertaines
Entertainers with language skills in English, or German.
Fitness, water aerobics, stretching
Sports Football, Ping Pong, Beach Volleyball and Darts
Other desirable skills: open-mindedness, communication skills.
Interested candidates can send a CV with a photo
to the email address: info@tribalanimazione.it
Being around people, loving children, being cheerful and attracted to the world of entertainment.
knowledge of German or English
Food and accommodation e Regular tourism contract
No smoking with guests and children.
Ban on drinking alcohol in the workplace