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Opis pracovnej ponuky

We need a waiter for the summer season, from June to September. We offer free accommodation, all meals included and a summer by the beach.

Necesitamos 1 Camarero para la temporada de verano, desde Junio hasta septiembre. Ofrecemos Habitación  todas las comidas. Al lado de la playa!

If you want to have a good summer, this is your place. COSTA BRAVA

Si quieres pasar un buen verano, este es tu lugar. COSTA BRAVA


You learn a good service in Restaurant Rosamar

Požiadavky na pracovné miesto

We just need a positive attitude and communication skills.


Free room and all meals

Podrobné informácie o pracovnom mieste
Oblasť zamestnania:
Pracovné skúsenosti:
Work experience is not required
Jazykové zručnosti:
  • English
  • Basic
Platové rozpätie (Mesačne):
1500 - 2000 EUR (Net pay)
Date of expiry:

About organisation

Restaurant located in the heart of the Costa Brava, awarded the "best views of the Costa Brava!" award by the TV3 program, Joc de Cartes. We offer Mediterranean summer cuisine, with fresh fish and seafood as our representative and experts in paellas of all kinds. If you want to spend a good summer with a restaurant on the beach, come to the Rosamar Restaurant We also offer free… Find out more
