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Dátum udalosti:
22 marec 2022
Druh podujatia:
Stav registrácie:

261 pracovné miesta dostupné pre toto podujatie

Jobs recorded for this event: 686

Please note that the number of jobs displayed on this page may have decreased.

K dispozícii pre podujatie:
Informácie o:

Hotel Manager (Cruise Ships) APPLY NOW WITH The Hotel Manager is responsible for all aspects of operations, to day-to-day staff management and guests. Provides leadership and strategic planning to all departments in support of the service culture, maximized operations and guest satisfaction. Responsible for managing the management team and overall targets to deliver an excellent guest experience. A Hotel Manager would also be required to manage profitability and guest satisfaction measures. DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES Hold regular briefings and meetings with all head of ...

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