OnEJob 2021: Graduate Online European Job Fair
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UTAD (Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro University), the University of Vigo and EURES Crossborder Galicia – North of Portugal, together with IEFP/EURES Portugal and Xunta de Galicia, will be holding the 2nd edition of OnEJob2021, the Graduate Online European Job Fair, on October 28-29.
This is an opportunity for companies from the Galicia – North of Portugal euro-region, from Portugal and Spain, but also from all over Europe, to meet and make contact to highly qualified professionals (both students and “alumni”) from Portuguese and Spanish Universities and also graduates from across the EU/EEA – with a broad scope of qualifications and skills.
Educational areas covered range from Engineering & Technology to Health Sciences, passing by Economics, Business Sciences, Tourism, Arts & Humanities, Communication Sciences, Agrarian & Veterinarian Sciences, among others.
A wide range of recruitment options will be available for employers, from the publishing of your job & traineeship opportunities on the website, live online presentations about your company and recruitment needs to automatic matching & interview scheduling services, as well as personalized advice on recruiting from another country.
If you are looking for a job, you will be able to screen through and apply to jobs matching your profile, make contact to employers and maybe even schedule (one or more) recruitment interview(s) during – and/or the days after - the event. You will also benefit from a live Programme of company presentations and thematic workshops, testimonials & debates covering a wide range of topics, from job search and mobility to entrepreneurship and research opportunities.
Your only requirements are having access to:
- a computer (PC or laptop) / tablet / smartphone with access to the Internet,
- a headset with microphone,
- ideally, a webcam and a Skype account (for chatting & interviews during the event)
and to register before the event.
We will be glad to have you joining, so we invite you to
SAVE THE DATE: October 28-29 (online, from anywhere in Europe!)
Participation is FREE OF CHARGE, both for jobseekers and employers!
We’re counting on YOU!
Further info @ eventos.eures@iefp.pt
22,000 students, nearly 13,000 graduates in the last 3 academic years
Established in 1990, Vigo University has consolidated itself as a modern and innovative learning centre in Galicia.
Its three campuses at Ourense, Pontevedra and Vigo offer degree programs in the fields of Science, Humanities, Technology, Law and Social Sciences. These fields are distributed over nearly thirty centres where research groups also carry out their research activities. A network of the University's centres completes the research infrastructure of Vigo University, which has been ranked 15th in the classification of Spanish universities for its scientific advances.
Modern, egalitarian, bold and diverse, Vigo University promotes and facilitates student mobility and has achieved number one status in Galicia with respect to the number of incoming foreign students and number of outgoing students to foreign universities.
University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD)
7,000 students and more than 6,000 alumni
The University was founded in 1986 and it inherits part of its history from Vila Real Polytechnic Institute, founded in 1973. Having taken on a role building regional cohesion and development, the University is recognised today within the University system for its activities in the fields of education, scientific research, technology and the other areas of science which form its unique identity.
UTAD integrates 5 schools, 5 research centres, other diverse research institutions, other Universities committed to collaboration, organisations and business, and aims to create a synergy which has a strong impact in its field, within its remit as part of the recently created consortium UNorte.pt, which includes as well Porto and Minho Universities. It integrates several networks and national and international partnerships in a participation framework concentrated on regional and international strategies, but with a strong impact on domestic cohesion and sustainability.
EURES is the European Employment Services network, created in 1993, aimed at facilitating workers’ mobility at the transnational and cross border levels, within the framework of the European Economic Area (plus the UK and Switzerland) - an intervention area currently integrating 32 countries.
EURES provides information, counselling and support to recruitment/placement services, by promoting direct contact between jobseekers and employers interested in recruiting abroad.
In Portugal, the EURES network is integrated in:
- IEFP, I.P. - Institute for Employment and Vocational Training, I.P.
- Madeira Employment Institute;
- Azores Regional Directorate for Employment and Professional Qualification;
with a network of 32 EURES Advisers distributed all over the country.
EURES Cross Border Galicia / North of Portugal
Also within the EURES network, this cross-border partnership was created in 1997, currently involving 12 partner organisations, aimed at providing specific information regarding cross-border mobility of workers and employers’ recruitment within Galicia / North of Portugal euro-region.
Cross border service includes:
- facilitation of access to job vacancies and CVs;
- information on both countries’ legislation regarding labour, taxation and social security related issues;
- information on living and working conditions on both border sides;
- guidance on vocational training and traineeship opportunities.
Is your company based in Europe? Ready to move on with your activity?
Would you like to be in contact with graduate jobseekers from Portugal, Spain and all over Europe?
Willing to promote your graduate programme and career opportunities?
OnEJob 2021 – the Graduate Online European Job Fair is the right event for you, already on 28-29 October.
The event is organized by a partnership of Universities – UTAD (Trás-os-Montes & Alto Douro) and Vigo – with ca. 30,000 students and nearly 20,000 graduates / “alumni”, based in the Galicia (Spain) / North of Portugal euro-region, together with the EURES network, providing you an overview of the labour market in most graduate specialties, from Engineering & Technology to Management, from Medicine to Arts.
Taking part in OnEJob2021 allows you to connect to graduate jobseekers from Portugal, Spain and across Europe looking for a (new) career opportunity, benefitting from an interactive platform designed to allow you to run the same recruitment activities you would in a traditional onsite job fair, but without leaving your office.
Many of these jobseekers, both students / graduates and experienced professionals already in the labour market, have solid language skills (mostly in English), some with international experience (e.g. Erasmus, Voluntary Service, careers abroad) and many are willing to move abroad. Others would like to give it a try with smart working experiences.
SAVE THE DATE! 28-29 October 2021 (Thursday & Friday)
Opening hours:
- on 28th from 9:00 to 17:00 (WEST) | 10:00 to 18:00 pm (CEST)
- on 29th from 9:00 to 13:00 (WEST) | 10:00 to 14:00 pm (CEST)
This event offers your organisation a wide range of recruitment opportunities. You can customize your participation model according to your needs and availability:
- publish your organisation profile in the platform (including the option to add introductory videos about your main projects and recruitment needs);
- actively promote your recruitment needs, either they are jobs, traineeships / graduate programmes or research opportunities;
- collect and screen applications beforehand;
- participate in the event Programme with a short live presentation (no more than 15-20 minutes);
- on the event day, use the live chat option (via Skype) to hold exploratory contacts with jobseekers;
- conduct one-to-one online interviews with selected candidates at a time slot chosen by you (between 28 October and 5 November).
You may also choose to be available online during the whole event or only in pre-announced time slots.
Technical support, as well as assistance in the matching, are available to you before, during and after the event.
REGISTER NOW! (no later than 15 October)
Participation is free of charge.
If you already have an account in the platform, login HERE and join the event.
If using this platform for the first time, please register HERE.
Once you have registered, you will receive further details on event preparation.
We’re looking forward to your participation!
Find out more: eventos.eures@iefp.pt
Looking for a graduate job, traineeship, research or voluntary work project in Europe?
Would you like to be in direct contact with employers from Portugal, Spain and other European countries?
Need advice on looking / applying for a job (in a post-COVID era)? Other career possibilities? Info on living and working & career opportunities in another European country?
The OnEJob2021 – the Graduate Online European Job Fair is the right event for you!
Take part online and meet with employers from across Europe looking for your profile and skills.
SAVE THE DATE! 28-29 October 2021 (Thursday & Friday)
Opening hours:
- on 28th from 9:00 to 17:00 (WEST) | 10:00 to 18:00 pm (CEST)
- on 29th from 9:00 to 13:00 (WEST) | 10:00 to 14:00 pm (CEST)
An opportunity for you and employers from all over Europe to meet and make contact online. You can participate from wherever you are, either in Portugal, Spain or in another EU/EEA country.
This event offers YOU a full package for your job search in Europe. You can:
- apply, during the next week, to job, traineeship and research vacancies matching your profile, and maybe be pre-selected for an interview;
- make first contact via live chat (by using Skype) with employers, EURES advisers and other career experts;
- take part in live presentations;
- (If selected) benefit from online recruitment interviews with employers.
The full Programme is now online. Please take a look at it before the event starts.
REGISTER NOW (free of charge)!
To get the most out of the event you should register beforehand. This will give you access to a wide range of features on offer, as well as regular updates. Find out more by clicking here.
How to participate
- Register as a jobseeker (participation is free of charge, but previous registration is mandatory);
- Research the available information on the participating companies, info points and countries and on their recruitment profiles / needs;
- Search for the job / traineeship vacancies for which you gather all or most of the requirements;
- Apply (on the platform) for the vacancies matching your profile.
Employers will schedule online recruitment interviews between 28 October and 5 November, or even later. In case you’re pre-selected, you may participate in one or more interviews during or after the event.
- Please also check the Programme regarding presentations and workshops, which will be live streamed on 28-29 October (updates up until October 26th);
- Get ready, select the companies, countries and info points / advice services you want to approach, identify the questions you want to place.
During the event:
- In order to take better advantage of info, advice and employer contact opportunities, we advise you to reserve some time on 28-29 October; minimum requirements to participate:
- a computer (PC or laptop) / tablet / smartphone with access to the Internet,
- a headset with microphone,
- ideally, a webcam and a Skype account (for chatting & interviews during the event)
- and… to register before the event!
- Be selective regarding the workshops and company presentations to follow; choose those actually looking for your profile and skills, and meeting your expectations;
- When approaching employers, even if online, a careful look & professional attitude are important, but also a good level of the required language and a positive and assertive attitude; also the demonstrated knowledge regarding the companies and their main projects are a major plus. This is why you should document yourself as much as possible in advance.
Regularly check on updates under www.europeanjobdays.eu/onejob2021.
We’re counting on you!
Further info: eventos.eures@iefp.pt