Nordic Jobday en España
O tomto podujatí
¿Eres un/a profesional español en los sectores de ingeniería, salud, IT, biotech o chef?
¿Te interesa conocer las posibilidades de empleo que ofrecen los países escandinavos y bálticos? En nuestro EURES NORDIC DAY EN ESPAÑA podrás obtener información sobre los mercados de trabajo de Noruega, Dinamarca Suecia, Finlandia y Estonia y sobre ofertas concretas de empleo procedentes de empresas escandinavas. Si alguna vez has pensado que sería interesante trabajar en El Norte, esta es tu cita.
You are a Nordic company and need qualified staff?
Then the EURES Nordic Jobday in Spain is the right place for you. A job & recruitment event online and onsite where Scandinavian and Baltic companies, Eures Advisers and jobseekers may establish professional contact and get information about job & placement opportunities in Nordic and Baltic countries.
A good number of Nordic companies from different sectors (Health, Engineering, IT, Biotech, Hostelry) are finding the personnel they need in Spain with the support of the EURES network.
This is a great opportunity to spread the vacancies you need to fulfil and contact and have interviews with Spanish professionals thinking of moving to The North.
You need to access the onsite event?
Calle Costa Rica, 30
Stop at next metro station "COLOMBIA"