Make it work in Denmark
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Welcome to our European Online Job Day “Make it work in Denmark” 2021
At our online event you can explore great career opportunities in Denmark and we will provide European jobseekers with helpful information about “Living and Working” in Denmark as well as company presentations. We will also let you in on tips and tricks on how to get closer to your dream job within the blooming sectors in Denmark.
We have more than 1500 English-speaking job offers in Denmark. Especially the blooming IT, green energy sector, and the strong life science cluster is looking for highly qualified candidates. In Denmark you will find interesting jobs like:
- Cyber Security Specialists
- Data Analysts
- IT Architects
- BI, Data Scientists
- Cloud Specialists
- Digital commerce Specialists
- Software Developers
- Sourcing and Supply Chain Management
- Procurement Specialist
- Product and Category Management
- Electronics Engineers
- Automation Engineers
- Mechatronics Engineers
- Robotics Engineers
- Mechanical Engineers
- Scrum Master
- Software Architects
- DevOps Engineers
- Business Develop Managers
- Biomedical Scientists
- Medical Specialists/Doctors
- PhD and Postdoc researchers
And many more….!
There are exciting vacancies under each company exhibitor’s profile, but there are also many vacancies from other Danish companies under “Denmark”: the country profile. If you don't find what you are looking for here, then have a look at our Jobbank at www.workindenmark.dk
Chat with us!
At the event, you get the opportunity to chat with recruitment consultants and EURES advisers from Workindenmark, representatives from SIRI - The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration, The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science, as well as representatives from a variety of the exhibiting companies and info points.
You can find the chat program at the right-hand side menu.
Please note
You cannot apply directly for the posted jobs via the Job Day portal. If you find an interesting job that you would like to apply for, you must read the job ad carefully and follow the company’s recruitment process.
WHY Denmark?
Denmark can offer you good career opportunities, professional growth, flat hierarchy, informal workplaces, paid holiday, awesome work-life balance- and overall great quality of life!
Jobseeker Toolkit
Here we have comprised some useful information when searching for a job in Denmark. From now on and until the event has ended, we will continuously ad content to this page, so be sure to check it out occasionally for new information.
At our website workindenmark.dk you can find all sorts of useful information that can help your job search in Denmark. You can for instance find;
- A job database with more than 1.400 vacant jobs
- Free online seminars which offer practical help and guidance on how to successfully search for a job in Denmark
- Information about living and working in Denmark
- An array of stories from expats within various different industries
So be sure to check out the website.
If you sign up for our newsletter, you can stay updated on vacancies and job search in Denmark.
In this folder, you will find useful information, which will make it easier for you to settle into your professional and private life in Denmark.
Targeted mobility scheme – Your first Eures job
Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) is an EU initiative for jobseekers from EU, Norway and Iceland. TMS/YfEj may offer financial support in relation to job interviews in and relocation to other EU member states. Interested? Read all about it here.
Supplementary jobsites
Besides our own job database there is a multitude of other jobsites.
Rights and obligations when working in Denmark
Large parts of the Danish labour market is regulated through collective labour agreements made by trade unions and employer associations. If you want to know more about what that means, you can read this brochure for more information.
SIRI - The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration
If you have questions, regarding registration in Denmark for work- and residence permits or any other questions regarding entry to Denmark, you can contact SIRI here.
The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
If you have questions regarding how to seek recognition of your diploma, degree or certificate. You can contact The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science who can assess your foreign qualifications. You can find assessment forms and contact information here.
Life in Denmark
The official website for internationals in Denmark. Here you can find public information and self-service. www.lifeindenmark.dk
To keep everyone informed about Covid19 preventive measures there has been formed a national communication partnership among the different authorities in Denmark, and all relevant information regarding rules and regulations and national measures has been gathered in one information portal at:
Various rules apply to travels to Denmark depending on how you arrive in Denmark and your ties with or your purpose of entering Denmark. You can read more about the different rules here:
Information for Exhibitors
Dear Exhibitor,
By now you should already have a username and a password to access the europeanjobdays.eu platform. If for some reason you don’t, please get in touch with us helpdesk@europeanjobdays.eu so that we can check the situation. You may as well recover your password here, as long as you remember your username or the e-mail you used to register. To make the best out of your participation, you should now:
Improve your company profile
This profile is your public introduction to potential applicants. It should reflect what your main activities and projects are, as well as your organisation’s mission, values and HR policy, ideally in English.
If you haven’t done so yet, it is now time to add your logo, your web and social media accounts – and, if you have one available on YouTube or Vimeo, also add an introductory video (ideally recruitment-focused), in order to make the profile more appealing.
No vacancies published yet?
If you haven’t done this yet, publish them on the platform as soon as possible, if you want to get a number of applications ahead of the event.
Fill in the maximum amount information possible in the fields about languages, education, and skills, in order to better help the jobseekers find your vacancies in their searches.
If participants apply to your vacancies before the event, you can pre-select a few applicants for interviews and better organise your participation on the day – also allowing the jobseekers to better prepare for the interview.
Watch the videos:
(BEWARE THAT... even though the event is aimed at EU/EEA citizens, you will surely get some applications from third country nationals. It is up to you to decide whether to accept or discard them, bearing in mind the international recruitment procedures ongoing in your country).
Go through your applicants & invite them for interviews
Jobseekers interested in your vacancies are applying through the platform. In order to browse their CVs, once logged in, go to Job Applications / Interviews in your dashboard. Click on the jobseeker’s name, go through the profile, check the attached CV or LinkedIn profile. If it matches your requirements, you can invite him/her for an online interview on March 18th.
You can pre-define your availability for interviews under Set interview timeslots. By default, interview slots last 30 minutes.
The applicants you invite for an interview will then choose the most suitable slot for them, out of those you (still) have available. Your schedule is automatically updated as applicants confirm their attendance.
On the event day, check and download your interview agenda from Applications / Interviews in your dashboard to know who you will be meeting. You can use Skype (if both you and your candidate have a regular Skype account):
- For Skype interviews, you should contact the jobseeker by clicking on the Skype button in your interview schedule in the platform.
Our Helpdesk will be online all day to help you and candidates with interview management whenever needed.
Still have questions?
Don’t hesitate to contact us at helpdesk@europeanjobdays.eu if you need further assistance.
We look forward to working with you to make your participation a success!
Chat Program
Chat with us!
At the event, you get the opportunity to chat with recruitment consultants and EURES advisers from Workindenmark. We are available to chat all day from 10:00 - 13.30 and will be happy to answer any of your questions.
If you have questions regarding registration in Denmark for work- and residence permits you can ask them directly to SIRI - The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration. They can answer all of you questions regarding entry to Denmark. You can see when they will be available to chat below here.
The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science will be ready to answer your questions regarding how to seek recognition of your diploma, degree or certificate. You can see when they will be available to chat below here.
You also get the opportunity to chat with some of the exhibiting companies and info points.
Their representatives will be waiting for you on the event day under CHAT WITH EXHIBITORS at the times indicated below.
Skype is the platform for chat, so make sure you have a Skype account (not Skype for Business) before the event.
10.30 - 11.30
GN Group
Bunker Holding Group
Uber Denmark Software and Development
Odense Robotics
Danske Commodities
KK Wind Solutions
Expat in Denmark / Carly Theodosi
Look Abroad
The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
SIRI - The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration
IDA - The Danish Society of Engineers
11.30 - 12.30
Bunker Holding Group
Uber Denmark Software and Development
Danske Commodities
Destination AARhus
KK Wind Solutions
Look Abroad
SIRI - The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration
IDA - The Danish Society of Engineers
12.30 - 13.30
Uber Denmark Software and Development
Danske Commodities
LEO Pharma
KK Wind Solutions
SIRI - The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration
IDA - The Danish Society of Engineers