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AFOL Metropolitana offers a range of services relating to vocational training, guidance and work developed around the needs of local citizens and businesses.
The integration of training, guidance and employment services is one of the main of the Agency's operations and precisely such integration ensures effective action and the attainment of specific goals.

services for citizens

training The training-education area offers life-time professional training courses covering the entire range of related requirements: from the right and duty for education and training through to continual and permanent training focusing on finding employment and updating professional skills.
These courses cover several areas: visual communication, photography, fashion, beauty, hairdressing, computers, media technologies and languages, chemistry and environment, languages and tourism, business services.
All courses are designed and implemented in close cooperation with other training institutions, schools, universities, research centres, companies and trade associations and boast not only a team of teachers, professionals and sector experts but also fully equipped and technologically advanced classrooms and laboratories .

guidance Guidance services are provided to help people find and actively maintain employment and also to offer information about work and vocational training. The main objective is to help people looking for a career to develop personal decision-making choices and encourage continual improvement of their expertise and knowledge on a life-time basis.
In addition to reception and information services, the guidance area also promotes work experience placements and offers specialist relocation services for medium-high professional figures over 40 years old and reduce the number of early school-leavers.

employment The Employment Area, in addition to direct management of the Milan Employment Centre, provides specialist employment services to promote employment and matching between labour supply and demand in Italy and abroad, by ensuring administrative, consultancy and pre-selection services, even as regards finding suitable positions for persons with disabilities.
The AFOL Metropolitana Employment Area also provides technical assistance as regards employment policies.

services for businesses

training AFOL Metropolitana offers training courses designed to meet the needs expressed by businesses finalised to ensure professional training for their employees.
Training courses are paid for or exploit finance opportunities offered by inter-professional funds and regional-provincial government funds. AFOL Metropolitana also supports companies as regards specific training for young apprentices.

apprentice-ship AFOL Metropolitana offers courses meeting mandatory apprenticeship training requisites.
These courses focus on apprentices/trainees with employment contracts:
- apprenticeship for professional qualifications and professional diploma (art. 3 D.Lgs. 196/2011 – former Art. 48 of D.Lgs 276/2003)
- professional apprenticeship (art. 49 D.Lgs. 276/93)
- professional apprenticeship or trade contract (art. 4 D.Lgs. 167/2011).
Courses may be provided free of charge through financial aid from the Lombardy Region.

pre-selection The pre-selection service supports companies when seeking and pre-selecting personnel.
A team of experts is available to companies without charge to respond promptly when they need to find new professional figures.
These activities are offered:
- definition of company requirements through careful evaluation of the skills required in agreement with the employer
- consultation of the provincial database in order to identify unemployed workers or those with special facilitations
- adverts on the AFOL Metropolitana site and sector publications in order to collect candidatures from interested persons
- send the company a short-list of candidates in line with the needs expressed by the company within agreed times.

work experience AFOL Metropolitana promotes work experience as an active employment policy capable of offering young people a contact with the world of work and companies an effective opportunity to meet, evaluate and train human resources in accordance with their own needs without establishing a full employment relationship.
The operators in the AFOL Metropolitana apprenticeship office are on hand to assist employers interested in launching an approach to such work experience through: regulatory consulting, stipulation of the convention agreement, assistance in drafting and defining the training project, finding a tutor, publication of the advert on the portal of the site of AFOL Metropolitana in order to collect the names of interested persons and possible pre-selection of candidates matching the required profile.
During the work experience stage, AFOL Metropolitana also ensures the organisation of individual or group tutoring meetings and
overall monitoring.
At the end of the work experience stage, the company will be able to compile a fact file assessing the quality and outcome of the service offered.

disabled persons matching service AFOL Metropolitana supports companies in targeted pre-selection of employment candidates with disabilities (Law 68/99).
This service carries helps facilitate matching supply and demand among people with disabilities seeking employment and employers. A team of psychologists and experienced pre-selection operators are on hand for companies and carry out the following activities:
- knowledge and guidance interviews with users available for employment, registered as unemployed in the provincial lists as civil invalids
- interviews with companies, in their premises, to find employment for disabled candidates
- matching supply and demand through targeted research in the disabilities area, including the provision of a pre-selection service
- possible advert in the AFOL Metropolitana site to collect candidates
- realisation of specific work experience stages for people with disabilities.
The Matching service also offers consultancy in relation to meeting the obligations as per Law 68/99.

Eures – European Employment Services Eures is the public employment service that helps companies find the best candidate for the profile sought, providing a web portal where employment opportunities can be published and review CVs of potential candidates.
Eures offers companies free and personalized staff recruitment services in Italy and Europe:
- European web portal for employment adverts
- assistance in searching for the best profiles through pre-selection of candidates and free use of facilities for selection interviews
- pre-selections even through interviews in English, French and German
- consulting as regards employment legislation in Italy and other European countries and on the procedures that must be followed in order to employ an EU citizen
- information detailing the European labour market in order to define the most appropriate profile for the vacancy in question
- sector events for where specific profiles can be sought through close collaboration with universities to identify graduates
- support for the creation of partnerships and networks between companies.
Eures is a cooperation network between the European Commission and public services for employment the European Economic Area (EU plus Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein) which boasts the collaboration of more than 850 specialists.

regulatory consulting AFOL Metropolitana offers companies a legal advice service dealing with the following subjects:
- contracts
- special recruitment (workers unemployed for at least 24 months, workers receiving special redundancy pay for at least 3 months, workers receiving special redundancy pay for 24 months, mobility workers, temporary mobility workers)
- employing foreign workers.
The service is completed by technical assistance activities and specialist telephone consulting for companies to find solutions to problems involving electronic issuing of compulsory communications: recruitment, extension, conversion and termination of employment relationships and requests for incentives and facilitations. AFOL Metropolitana also provides consulting for managing proxies to authorised intermediaries, corporate modifications and issuance of the informative prospectus for the disabled.

Industrial crisis and employment service The service dedicated to coping with industrial and employment crises works in two main areas of action:
- management of administrative procedures concerning technical review and validation of applications for special redundancy pay under proxy as per Lombardy Region Framework Agreements with regard to socio-economic safety nets under derogation. The activity envisages not only the administrative management of applications but also technical assistance activities for trade unions, trade associations, companies, labour consultants and employees/workers.
- activation and management of technical/institutional meetings involving social partners (trade unions, employers' federations, companies and employees/workers) and institutional representatives (Ministries, Lombardy Region, Local Councils, INPS, Prefecture, etc.). The activity aims to help find solutions designed to reduce social conflict and limit the impact of unemployment, as well as to support employment through concerted negotiation and the integrated use of active and passive employment policies.

Údaje o organizácii

Event participation(s)

22 - 23 november 2017
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