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КРЗ"ОДЕСОС"АД е най-големият и най-добре оборудван български завод за докуване на кораби до 70 000 dwt и ремонт на кей до 150 000 dwt. Предмет на дейност на фирмата е кораборемонт и свързаните с него вътрешно и външнотехнически посреднически дейности в страната и чужбина; инвестиционна и инженерингова дейност; подготовка и квалификация на кадри.

Relying on our solid base, excellent organization, highly qualified personnel and reach experience, Odessos Shiprepair Yard has established as one of the leading shiprepair yards in the Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean area. Odessos Shiprepair Yard S.A. is the largest and best equipped Bulgarian shipyard for docking of vessels up to 90 000 DWT and afloat repairs up to 150 000 DWT.

The subject of our company activity is ship repair, maintenance and conversion with internal and external technical intermediary activities in the country and abroad; investment and engineering activities; training and qualification of staff.

Údaje o organizácii
Kontaktné údaje:


Островна зона 

9000 Варна 



тел: 052/ 666 263


ODESSOS Shiprepair Yard SA

Island zone 9000 Varna


phone: 052/ 666 263


Event participation(s)

Ready to go on 2021 - EURES TMS Edition
Účasť: On-line
12 január 2021
Účasť: On-line