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Disponíveis para o evento:

Healthcare Assistant Opportunity in Ireland - Long Term Contract Sagesa Healthcare is working with one of Ireland’s largest Home Care providers to offer long-term work opportunities in Ireland. We are looking for qualified Healthcare Assistants who want to relocate to Ireland and provide home health services in the local community at a generous salary. Benefits: Salary of €23,400 per year Supsideised Accommodation provided Company car Uniform Paid annual leave Requirements: Driving Licence and driving experience essential Valid Healthcare Assistant qualification Intermediate English Ability to ...

Local de trabalho:
Ireland, Galway and County Mayo
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Good
Intervalo salarial (Por mês):
1650 - 1750 EUR (Net pay)
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

At Comfort Homecare we offer a wide range of services designed to support our Team and our Clients. We recognise the importance of a well-trained, competent team and the difference a cohesive working environment makes to benefiting our Clients. Our training centre keeps our team capable of exceeding expectations and provides peace of mind to Clients and their families. Our experienced background team work closely with our Clients, their families and their healthcare professionals to create detailed and individualistic care plans recognising their needs. Most competitive rates plus travel ...

Local de trabalho:
Ireland, Ireland
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Fluent
Intervalo salarial (Semanalmente):
540 - 600 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponíveis para o evento:

We currently have Healthcare Assistant opportunities in Galway City & County. The Healthcare Assistant will be providing care for clients in their own homes. You will be supported by our Clinical Governance & Management Team in our Galway City office. This important role will include you driving from house to house during your shift as home care is delivered in each persons home. Job satisfaction in this role is high as the Healthcare Assistant is helping people as well as earning a living.

Local de trabalho:
Ireland, Galway
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Good
Intervalo salarial (Biweekly):
14 - 21 EUR (Gross pay)
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

With over 20 years of experience in the Nursing Homes Sector, the CareChoice Team is focused on transitioning CareChoice to become the most trusted and respected Nursing Home brand in Ireland. We are now looking for Full-time/Part-time/Relief Healthcare Assistants. This is an excellent opportunity to develop your skills within a supportive environment whilst working with an experienced team of Healthcare Professionals in a diverse, multi-cultural environment. This job post is for multiple locations across Ireland. Our 15 locations are based throughout Leinster and Munster. Preferred locations ...

Local de trabalho:
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Good
Intervalo salarial (Biweekly):
13 - 15 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponíveis para o evento:

A young entrepreneurial group with a consolidated background in the management of hotel facilities in the premium and luxury segment. We have expertise not only in the hospitality world, in fact in the corporate team we have professionals in various areas: management, human resources, finance & controlling, marketing, sales, facility. To continue this fantastic adventure we are looking for the best talents! In particular, we are selecting the figure of SPA OPERATION MANAGER FOR CAPOVATICANO RESORT THALASSO&SPA. You will be responsible for supervising all operational aspects of the SPA ...

Local de trabalho:
Italy, Ricadi (VV)
Competências linguísticas:
  • Italian
  • Fluent
  • English
  • Very good
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

emeis Ireland is the largest Nursing Home Group and a market leader in Ireland for elderly care. We are currently on the look out for Healthcare Assistants to join our team Nationwide in Ireland. At emeis Ireland we are looking for Healthcare Assistants to physically or mentally support challenged residents in their everyday lives. The fulfilment and satisfaction that comes with helping others surpasses the challenges of this job. If you’re a compassionate, positive person who isn’t afraid to work hard, then this is a job for you. We expect you to be polite and a good communicator. Experience ...

Local de trabalho:
Ireland, Nationwide
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Fair
Intervalo salarial (Hourly):
13 - 14 EUR (Net pay)
Disponíveis para o evento:

Silver Stream Healthcare Group is renowned for excellent employment and professional development opportunities. We're dedicated to attracting and retaining a staff that embodies professionalism and dedication, contributing to the highest level of care for our residents. Health Care Assistants is to provide caring and supportive care to our residents enabling them to fulfil their daily activities. Establish and maintain relationships with residents that are based on respect and dignity.

Local de trabalho:
Ireland, Various
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Fair
Intervalo salarial (Hourly):
14 - 15 EUR (Gross pay)
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

Hei, vil du bli vår nye kollega?Ved sykehjemmene i Rana er det ledig flere faste helgestillingerstillinger, fra dags dato. Vi søker fortrinnsvis etter deg med interesse og/eller erfaring fra eldreomsorg, eller bakgrunn fra påbegynt eller fullført helsefaglig utdanning, som ønaker fagbrev innenfor helsefag. Vår visjon er å tilrettelegge for livsutfoldelse i trygge omgivelser. Vi skal sørge for at Rana Kommunes innbyggere med behov for heldøgns pleie, mestring og omsorg mottar et best mulig tilbud. Vi arbeider kontinuerlig med økt kvalitet i tjenesten, fagutvikling og innovasjon, for å møte ...

Local de trabalho:
Norway, Mo i Rana
Competências linguísticas:
  • Norwegian
  • Very good
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponíveis para o evento:

Die BDH-Klinik Hessisch Oldendorf ist ein Neurologisches Zentrum mit Intensivmedizin, Stroke Unit und phasenübergreifender Rehabilitation. Wir verfügen in dem Krankenhausteil über 140 Planbetten (darunter 20 Intensiv- und 38 IMC-Betten sowie eine zertifizierte Stroke Unit) und zusätzlich über mehr als 100 Rehabilitationsbetten der BAR-Phasen C, D und E. Damit gehört die BDH-Klinik Hessisch Oldendorf zu den größten neurologischen Fachkliniken Deutschlands. Falls Sie Hessisch Oldendorf noch nicht kennen: Hessisch Oldendorf liegt im Weserbergland in 10 km Entfernung zur Kreisstadt Hameln und in ...

Local de trabalho:
Competências linguísticas:
  • German
  • Good
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

Rana kommune er i vekst og ønsker deg med på laget! Ønsker du en spennende læretid med varierte arbeidsoppgaver i et godt arbeidsmiljø? I Rana kommune har vi stort behov for helsefagarbeidere, og nå lyser vi ut lærlingeplasser i helsearbeiderfaget. Vi tar også i mot lærekandidater. Vi legger tilrette for at du utvikler relevant kunnskap og praktiske ferdigheter. Vi ønsker også at du bidrar med din kunnskap og ideer. Som lærling samarbeider du med din veileder og andre medarbeidere. Opplæring i helsearbeiderfaget foregår i institusjonstjenestern hjemmebaserte tjenester og miljøterapeutisk ...

Local de trabalho:
Norway, Mo i Rana
Competências linguísticas:
  • Norwegian
  • Good
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided

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