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Ofertas arquivadas

Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

Are you fluent in Spanish and English and are you interested in the field of economics/finance? We have the ideal opportunity for you! Would you like to work in an area specializing in payment solutions for small and medium businesses? We are a growing company with an out-of-the-box attitude and a special focus on technology and development. We are looking for like-minded people to join our team in Porto; Possibility of permanent telework regime. What would your occupation be? Being the voice of the company in direct communication between business partners; Management of the Spanish/English ...

Local de trabalho:
Portugal, Porto
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Good
  • Spanish
  • Fluent
  • Portuguese
  • Fluent
Intervalo salarial:
932 - 1032 EUR
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

Aquatic Ecotoxicologist - Study Director. For more info please copy and paste this link into your browser: Other Remarks: Applicants must be Maltese/EU Nationals/other nationals who are entitled to equal treatment as EU Nationals with regards to employment due to EU legislation & treaty rights about the free movement of workers.

Local de trabalho:
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Very good
Intervalo salarial:
28000 - 35000 EUR
Disponíveis para o evento:

Your responsibilities as a mail carrier or parcel deliverer • Delivery of parcel shipments on average under 10kg • Delivery with one of our business vehicles, e.g. all-electric vehicles or on foot if necessary - delivery on 5 working days (between Monday and Saturday) • You work 38.5 hours a week • Temporary employment lasting 3-6 months

Local de trabalho:
Competências linguísticas:
  • German
  • Good
Intervalo salarial:
14 - 15 EUR
Disponíveis para o evento:

Wiring of electrical panels: Prerequisites: Upper secondary school diploma, MsOffice knowledge, goodwill, accuracy, education. Preferable requirements: Industrial or graduate diploma, previous experience in the job from 1 to 3 years, driving licence B/a. Conditions offered: fixed term contract 6 months; Full time from 8.30 to 16.30. Salary From ccnl. Cablatore di quadri elettrici: Requisiti indispensabili: Diploma di Scuola secondaria superiore, conoscenza MsOffice, buona volontà, precisione, educazione. Requisiti preferibili: diploma di perito industriale o laurea, esperienza pregressa nella ...

Local de trabalho:
Italy, POMEZIA - RM -
Competências linguísticas:
  • Italian
  • Good
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

The Roma TPL consortium in partnership with S.A.P. a r.l. have recently obtained the management of the public transport service in the Province of Udine. Sap is a company founded in 1986 with the specific aim at providing public transport service by road, mainly connecting multiple Municipalities within Lazio region. The possible destinations for the bus drivers will be on extraurban routes : - Torreano -Tarcento -Gemona- Drenchia- Codroipo- Sedegliano- Mortegliano - Latisana

Local de trabalho:
Italy, Rome
Competências linguísticas:
  • Italian
  • Basic
Intervalo salarial:
1500 - 1900 EUR
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Wir suchen für unser Hotel zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n Servicemitarbeiter/in in Vollzeit. Ihre Aufgaben: -Verantwortung für eine eigene Station -Servieren von Speisen und Getränken -engagierte Gästebetreuung -wertschätzende Zusammenarbeit Voraussetzungen: -erste Erfahrungen in der gehobenen Gastronomie -selbstständiges und eigenverantwortliches Arbeiten -Kenntnisse über regional und nationale Weine -hervorragende Organisationsfähigkeiten -Souveränität im Umgang mit dem Gast -Kommunikationsgeschick, Flexibilität und Belastbarkeit -teamorientierte ...

Local de trabalho:
Germany, Fürth
Competências linguísticas:
  • German
  • Fair
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

Für unsere Neueröffnung in Fürth im September 2021 suchen wir Dich! Als Burgergriller startest Du Deinen Weg mit einem praktischen Training in einer unserer Küchen. Wir zeigen Dir, wie man Feuer macht, weil wir Dich und unsere Burger lieben. Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung! Wir bieten Dir: - Vermittlung von relevantem Wissen - Tolle Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten durch unsere Expansion und weiteren Restauranteröffnungen - Eine faire Vergütung über Tarif Steuerfreie Nacht- und Sonntagszuschläge - Ein angepasstes Bonussystem was wir gemeinsam ausarbeiten - Personalessen mit einem Rabatt von 50% - ...

Local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

Als Verkäufer//Kassierer startest Du Deinen Weg mit einem praktischen Training in einem unserer Restaurants. Dort zeigen wir Dir wie man unseren Kunden ihren Wunsch von den Lippen abliest, weil wir Dich und unsere Burger Lieben. Wir bieten Dir: - Vermittlung von relevantem Wissen - Tolle Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten durch unsere Expansion und weiteren Restauranteröffnungen - Eine faire Vergütung über Tarif Steuerfreie Nacht- und Sonntagszuschläge - Ein angepasstes Bonussystem was wir gemeinsam ausarbeiten Personalessen mit einem Rabatt von 50% - Flexible Arbeitszeiten: Planung über unser Online ...

Local de trabalho:
Competências linguísticas:
  • German
  • Fair
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponíveis para o evento:

ID offerta: 1441 Descrizione Afol Met per Azienda cliente - assistenza caldaie e climatizzatori - cerca: APPRENDISTA TECNICO MANUTENTORE CALDAIE La risorsa si occuperà di: - manutenzione delle caldaie presso la clientela - guidare il furgone aziendale SEDE DI LAVORO: BUCCINASCO (MI) PROPOSTA CONTRATTUALE: Assunzione in APPRENDISTATO, con finalizzazione all`assunzione a TEMPO INDETERMINATO orario FULL TIME 40 ore settimanali 08 :00-12:00/14:00-18:00 , sabato 08:00-12:00 CCNL METALMECCANICO RAL 20.000

Local de trabalho:
Competências linguísticas:
  • Italian
  • Fluent
Intervalo salarial:
20000 - 20000 EUR
Disponíveis para o evento:

ID offerta: 1479 Descrizione AFOL Met per Azienda cliente – nel settore del settore LAVORAZIONI MECCANICHE cerca 1 ATTREZZISTA PROGRAMMATORE CNC - ISO La risorsa si occuperà di: eseguire le lavorazioni delle parti metalliche sulla base del disegno tecnico; attrezzaggio e programmazione di frese e torni a controllo numerico. In minima parte dovrà svolgere anche mansioni di magazzino SEDE DI LAVORO: SETTIMO MILANESE PROPOSTA CONTRATTUALE: Assunzione a TEMPO DETERMINATO scopo successiva trasformazione a tempo indeterminato; FULL-TIME 40h con orario: 8 - 12 / 13 -17

Local de trabalho:
Competências linguísticas:
  • Italian
  • Fluent
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided

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