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Ofertas arquivadas


La risorsa si occuperà in forma esclusiva di garantire il funzionamento dei sistemi informativi ed informatici interni e, in particolare, di: • supportare il Responsabile per la Transizione al Digitale (RTD) nell’attività di coordinamento strategico dello sviluppo dei sistemi informativi, di telecomunicazione e fonia, in modo da assicurare anche la coerenza con gli standard tecnici e organizzativi comuni; • supportare il RTD nell’attività di indirizzo e coordinamento dello sviluppo dei servizi, sia interni che esterni, forniti dai sistemi informativi di telecomunicazione e fonia della società ...

Local de trabalho:
Italy, Turin
Competências linguísticas:
  • Italian
  • Very good
  • English
  • Very good
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided

La risorsa avrà il compito di impostare sulla base di disegni e/o istruzioni tecniche equivalenti particolari pre-assemblati di carpenteria, avvalendosi eventualmente di attrezzature di posizionamento. Completare la produzione di particolari di carpenteria. Principali responsabilità: • Impostare le apparecchiature in dotazione al fine di garantire una corretta esecuzione della saldatura. • Eseguire le saldature secondo le indicazioni tecniche di disegni o istruzioni equivalenti, realizzando il tipo di giunto specificato. • Garantire la qualità delle saldature. • Riparare/riprendere i cordoni ...

Local de trabalho:
Italy, S. Defendente di Cervasca (CN)
Competências linguísticas:
  • Italian
  • Good
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

Please read the full text before applying. 1- Job description: Our clients are local and globally active ( Hence your location can be anywhere! ) General and Subcontractors, representing a broad array of industries including oil and gas, shipping, defense, power generation, municipalities, construction and marine infrastructure, seeking Commercial diving service suppliers ( Both Freelance and Company) for accomplishing projects. 2- How to Join the projects pool: simply register on the link below and follow the instructions you'll receive upon registration. Only verified users (Email, ID) will ...

Local de trabalho:
Fora da UE, EU
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Basic
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Proposto por:

La nostra catena di ristoranti in Svizzera cerca PIZZAIOLI con esperienza per gestire tutte le fasi di lavorazione della pizza: fare l'impasto, monitorare la lievitazione, preparare i condimenti , stendere la pasta, usare il forno, pulire le attrezzature e rispettare le norme igieniche. - Our restaurant chain in Switzerland is looking for PIZZA MAKERS with experience to manage all the pizza processing phases: making the dough, monitoring leavening, preparing the toppings, rolling out, using the oven, cleaning the equipment and complying with the hygiene rules.

Local de trabalho:
Switzerland, ZURIGO - ZURICH
Competências linguísticas:
  • Italian
  • Good
Intervalo salarial (Por mês):
4000 - 5000 CHF (Gross pay)
Proposto por:

Nursing is a challenging but rewarding profession, like ski-jumping. It takes skill, dedication, and courage to succeed. Wellbeing Services County of Päijät-Häme in Finland is seeking to recruit 25 skillful and dedicated registered nurses and two (2) radiographers to full-time permanent positions. The recruits will be assigned to Päijät-Häme central hospitals’ specialist care units as well as health and wellbeing centers’ primary care units. Training program: Intensive language and intercultural training prior to your relocation is offered. Whether you're looking to join a unit with specialist ...

Local de trabalho:
Finland, Lahti
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Good
Intervalo salarial (Por mês):
2700 - 3500 EUR (Gross pay)

Il candidato avrà il compito di assemblare ed installare, sulla base di indicazioni ed istruzioni tecniche, componenti meccaniche/idrauliche/pneumatiche garantendo la qualità del prodotto finito. La risorsa dovrà: • Assemblare gruppi meccanici nel rispetto di indicazioni, disegni e istruzioni tecniche. • Effettuare le registrazioni di avanzamento produzioni previste dal metro di lavoro. • Garantire la qualità del prodotto. • Garantire l'ordine e la pulizia del proprio ambiente di lavoro.

Local de trabalho:
Italy, S. Defendente di Cervasca (CN)
Competências linguísticas:
  • Italian
  • Good
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Proposto por:

Energoinvest Reach Active are currently recruiting for the position of Substation Electrican. The Substation Electrician will perform duties covered within their voltage level approvals from LV to HV. They will be responsible for the job instruction as issued to them by the PICW (Person In Charge of Work). Installation of electrical infrastructure some of which includes: transformers, switchgear and cables. Ensure installation works are in compliance with Standard Operating Procedures.

Local de trabalho:
Ireland, Ireland
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Fair
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

É apaixonado(a) por hotelaria e pela arte de bem receber? Junte-se à equipa de Alojamentos do Tivoli Alvor Algarve e inicie o seu percurso profissional num dos maiores grupos internacionais do setor hoteleiro, com cerca de 530 hotéis e resorts em todo o mundo. Estamos a recrutar GUEST RELATIONS (M/F) para o TIVOLI ALVOR ALGARVE com início de funções a partir de Março 2024. Se acha que tem o perfil adequado para esta função submeta a sua candidatura para: Na Minor Hotels, os nossos colaboradores são um dos nossos ativos mais importantes. A sua paixão, liderança ...

Local de trabalho:
Portugal, Alvor, Algarve
Competências linguísticas:
  • Portuguese
  • Fluent
  • English
  • Fluent
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided

We are looking for a passionate Optical Payload System Engineer to join the System Engineering Unit. In this role, you will have the chance to work on inspirational projects, contributing to the development of new technologies in support of next-generation space assets. You will be focused on Optical Payloads solutions intended to operate both in LEO and deep-space. Main responsability: - Manage the payload project to ensure that the optical payload is compatible with the satellite and mission requirements, which involves understanding and reviewing the payload design. - Ensure consistent flow ...

Local de trabalho:
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Very good
  • Italian
  • Very good
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided

The Systems Engineer is responsible for satellite architecture, design, development, and qualification of small satellites. System Engineer activities include, but are not limited to: - Technical responsibility for system level activities - Day-to-day coordination with the Program Manager, Unit Heads, and Subsystem System Engineers - Generation of the system engineering plan, design and development plan, and verification plan - Definition and management of technical requirements and specifications - Supporting the definition of mission and operations deadlines - Management of system budgets - ...

Local de trabalho:
Italy, Turin
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Very good
  • Italian
  • Very good
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided

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