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Descrição da oferta de emprego
  • Starts and stops the machine, monitors the correct and rhythmic operation.
  • Loads the machine with the necessary products and packaging materials.
  • In the event of a malfunction, he notifies the Mechanical Technician and reports to the technologist of the relevant section.
  • Periodically monitors the accuracy of dosing, cleanliness, correctness of operations.
  • Collects the produced units in the appropriate containers (bins, boxes, cartons)
  • Monitors the quality of production by separating the displayed deviation units.
  • Inspects filled containers (ampoules and vials) for defects, according to technological requirements and work instructions.
  • After finishing work, he stops the machine and cleans his workplace.
  • After approval of the applicant and preparation of the necessary documents
Requisitos do cargo


is a successor of Factory for Hydraulic Components - Yambol, which was founded in 1968 as an affiliate of the state enterprise Machine-building factory “Hydravlika” - Kazanlak.

In 2006 the five year plan for a total organizational and technological development was finished. As a result the sales and the productivity were doubled compared to the beginning of the plan in 2002. A new system for effective management of the business actives and a system for quality control were introduced.

In 2011

The gathered capital through public offering of shares was invested in another five year plan for total technological and organizational development. Main focus of the program was the modernization of the current and introducing new technological processes while expanding the effective production capacities.


HES Plc is preferred and reliable business partner in Europe, North America and Asia. 

We execute customer orders for Austria, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Slovenia, Russia, USA.

Detalhes da vaga
Domínio profissional:
Área de estudo:
Experiência profissional:
Work experience is not required
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Good
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Date of expiry:

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About organisation

National Employment Agency is member of the EURES Network.Set up in 1993, EURES - European Employment Services - is a cooperation network designed to facilitate the free movement of workers within the European Economic Area (The EU countries plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein); Switzerland is also involved. Partners in the network include public employment services,… Saber mais
