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Descrição da oferta de emprego

In the field of electronic card testing, we are looking for 2 figures to strengthen our staff.
The ideal candidate must be able to independently design and build simple electronic control devices. Must be familiar with the main measuring instruments and manual tools for assembling electronic boards. Must know the components and be able to advise the customer on the best solution to integrate. The profile is completed by knowledge of at least one programming language between C, C++, C#, VB.Net or Python.

Requisitos do cargo

Altium CAD/CAE environment, ability to read electronic schemes. 
Familiarity with a programming language among C++, C#, Python.

Very strong electronic theory.

Pode constituir uma vantagem

Experience in firmware development


Computer, mobile phone, meals, fuel vouchers.

Detalhes da vaga
Domínio profissional:
Experiência profissional:
Work experience is not required
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Good
  • Italian
  • Good
  • Spanish
  • Good
Required skills:
analog electronics theory, assemble electronic units, assemble microelectronics, build electronic prototypes, configure electronic equipment
Intervalo salarial (Por mês):
1100 - 2500 EUR (Net pay)
Date of expiry:

About organisation

Small business company in industrial electronics. We design and build automatatic test equipment for electronic boards. On our systems a "taylor-made" philosophy approach is applied. Our work is based on technical specifications about the product to to test. In agreenment to our customer's R&D department the best metodology of test is applied to cover the most part of board specifications… Saber mais
