Four specialist psychiatrists for the Mental Health Services in Esbjerg, Denmark
Are you a specialist psychiatrist, and would you like
to work in a well-run, informal and stimulating environment?
If so, you may well be one of the four new
colleagues we are seeking.
As a medical specialist in our organisation, you will be
working with the consultant, visiting and treating hospitalised
patients as well as patients linked to our Community
Mental Health Services programme.
During the day, you will be part of either the Community
Mental Health Services or the psychiatric department in
Esbjerg, and you will be working as an attending physician
in a 7-shift on call system from your residence.
About us
The Mental Health Services in Esbjerg, consists of recently
expanded Community Mental Health Services with
3 centres within the receiving area. Additionally, there are
6 psychiatric wards with a total of 96 beds.
At present, the staff of the department comprises 20
consultants and 21 junior doctors.
The working environment is informal, with high emphasis
on professionalism and a close working relationship
between the professional disciplines.
The department
• places emphasis on education through daily
conferences, weekly doctors’ meetings and
Thursday teaching sessions
• participates in the training of medical students
• grants time off with pay for relevant courses.
The Mental Health Services in Esbjerg are housed in modern,
well-furnished and well-run buildings, close to both
motorway and rail connections.
Your qualifications
• specialist psychiatrist
• broad psychiatric experience
• a team player/good social skills
• flair for foreign languages
We offer
• assistance with practical issues when you need to
apply for Danish authorisation as a medical specialist,
and with your Danish work and residence permits
• free, intensive language lessons
• a professional mentor at the workplace
• assistance in finding a temporary residence
• assistance for your partner to learn the language, and
to help find a school or daycare for your children, etc.
Additional information about the department
and the position
••Rene Kofoed Andersen, Chief physician,
tel. +45 2023 5908
••Jens Egon Hansen, Chief nurse,
tel. +45 2478 3552
Pay and employment conditions
Employment will be offered on the basis of the applicable
collective bargaining agreement.