Farmworke/tractor driver in North of Norway
The company:
The farm is in North of Norway, Karasjok, Finnmark.
Farm with milkproduction. Dairycows, around 45 animals including youngstock. The farm is in the North of Norway
We are looking for Farmworke/tractor driver;
1 person who can do springwork, summerwork(hay etc.)and work in the fall.
1 person who can do the summer work (hay etc).
Work will be tractordriving and other farmwork.
Work can be for a short or a longer time.
The springwork will start in the middle of May.
Summerwork will start in the beginning of july.
Payment on agreement.
You are:
Efficient, On time, Reliable, Flexible, Good workethic/ you have a desire to work, You can work on your own and take responsebility.
Terms of contract:
Salary: min. NOK 180,- per hour, based on qualifications and experience
How to apply/contact details:
Application with CV and REFERENCES by e-mail: tegronvold@yahoo.com
Mark Application with TRACTOR
Contact person: Tanya, Owner
-Physic to do the work.
-Experience with tractor and tractordriving
-Language: Norwegian or English-Driving licence B and your own car.
-Driving licence for Tractor (See below)
These driving licences give you a right to drive tractor in Norway:
EU/Norwegian categori: B aquired before 2005
EU/ Norwegian Categori: CE
Norwegian categori T
Norwegian categori BE code 144
You are an EU/EFTA citizen, or you have a valid work permit in Norway