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Work@PL - Work in Poland

A data do evento:
10 Outubro 2018
Tipo de evento:
Em linha
Estado do registo:

23 empregos disponíveis para este evento

Jobs recorded for this event: 82

Please note that the number of jobs displayed on this page may have decreased.

Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

At Arla, we do so much more than make some of the world’s favorite dairy products. In our well-established Shared Services Centre in Gdansk we support our colleagues worldwide by providing them with world-class accounting, finance, procurement, tax, master data and HR processes. We are seeking for young, ambitious people with fresh perspective and the need of inner growth. If you are willing to develop in the area of accountancy, procurement or HR master data, you are the one we are looking for! Join us on Junior position and become a member of our international team. Communication with impact ...

Local de trabalho:
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Fluent
  • German
  • Very good
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

To enable our growth, we are creating a new IT hub in Gdansk and we are looking for talented people to join. As a Scandinavian company, we value mutual trust, collaboration and initiative. Thus, you will have every opportunity to share your ideas, learn and try new things. Right now, we are expanding our Shared Services Centre to make room for about 40 Service Desk supporters with IT flair and fluency in English, Danish, Swedish or German. Help start a global covering Service Desk and become part of a brand-new team. Because Arla Foods is building a completely new IT Service Desk, we will need ...

Local de trabalho:
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Fluent
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

Kemira is a global company providing chemicals and expertise to operations around the world. We are committed to being our customers’ first choice by bringing sustainable value through improved product quality, better process and resource efficiency. We offer a result-oriented and collaborative culture that empowers you to drive excellence and innovation with a major impact on the future. If you have the right mix of curiosity, a drive for excellence and an innovative mindset, we want to talk to you. We are now looking for a Customer Service Representative to Customer Service Department in ...

Local de trabalho:
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Fluent
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

Kemira is a global company providing chemicals and expertise to operations around the world. We are committed to being our customers’ first choice by bringing sustainable value through improved product quality, better process and resource efficiency. We offer a result-oriented and collaborative culture that empowers you to drive excellence and innovation with a major impact on the future. If you have the right mix of curiosity, a drive for excellence and an innovative mindset, we want to talk to you. We are now looking for a Logistic Agent with English language and one additional European ...

Local de trabalho:
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Fluent
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

Kemira is a global company providing chemicals and expertise to operations around the world. We are committed to being our customers’ first choice by bringing sustainable value through improved product quality, better process and resource efficiency. We offer a result-oriented and collaborative culture that empowers you to drive excellence and innovation with a major impact on the future. If you have the right mix of curiosity, a drive for excellence and an innovative mindset, we want to talk to you. We are now looking for an Intern with foreign languages to our Business Service Center in ...

Local de trabalho:
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Very good
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponíveis para o evento:

Opis stanowiska: Stanowisko znajduje się na Wydziale Produkcyjnym, a jego cele są bezpośrednio związane z montażem konstrukcji stalowych przemysłowych. Podstawowe obowiązki / Duties: przygotowywanie elementów konstrukcji metalowych do montażu stosowanie narzędzi ślusarskich stanowiących wyposażenie stanowiska pracy, jak młotków, pilników, szlifierek kątowych i stołowych itp. łączenie elementów konstrukcji za pomocą spawania wykonywanie montażu konstrukcji metalowych z elementów prefabrykowanych zgodnie z dokumentacją bieżąca kontrola jakości wykonanej pracy utrzymanie właściwego stanu ...

Local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponíveis para o evento:

Podstawowe obowiązki / Duties: wykonywanie operacji spawania (spoin czołowych i pachwinowych) w zakresie posiadanych uprawnień czytanie stosownej dokumentacji technicznej, tj: instrukcji technologicznych spawania, kart technologicznych przestrzeganie technologii spawania oraz stosowanie technik spawania określonych w instrukcji technologicznej spawania zachowywanie właściwej kolejności czynności przy spawaniu elementów konstrukcji wizualne sprawdzanie na bieżąco jakości wykonanych złączy (na podstawie wyglądu zewnętrznego) stosowanie przyrządów kontrolno-pomiarowych do oceny jakości wykonanych ...

Local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

As a business analyst at Goyello, you'll be responsible for the in-depth study of your client's needs so that he can fully enjoy the benefits of IT. Work in this position includes advisory and project tasks. Among your responsibilities will be the participation and conduct of workshops, the purpose of which is to know the customer's needs and translate them into requirements for the solution created for him. The results of your activities will help the project team to estimate the scope of work and the sales team to set the terms of the contract. Excellent communication skills combined with ...

Local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

Goyello intends to expand its international team with five developers of the Temenos UXP platform. Temenos is a leading software technology for banks. Over 3 thousand of them use it companies around the world, including almost fifty of the world's best banks. As part of this position you will work on a number of basic banking applications for international banks across Europe. We are looking for IT specialists with solid experience in creating agile software. We will teach you how to use the Temenos UXP platform. Requirements; Experience in web technologies and frameworks: Java Enterprise ...

Local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

You will take part in building business Internet applications used by clients all over the world. We work in international teams using such technologies and frameworks as: Java 8+, JEE, Spring Framework, JPA, Angular. Requirements: Good JAVA knowledge supported by commercial experience. Experience working with the Spring Framework or Java Enterprise Edition. Knowledge of issues related to relational databases. Good English (minimum B1 level). High motivation to acquire knowledge and improve qualifications. We offer a package of benefits: Professional development Health and good condition ...

Local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided