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Job and Career in Latvia 2019

A data do evento:
26 Setembro 2019
Tipo de evento:
Em linha
Estado do registo:

127 empregos disponíveis para este evento

Disponível para o seguinte evento:

Geidans Solutions Latvia is looking for a Mobile Developer WE OFFER Position in a friendly team that makes great Web Apps. Constant professional growth and development in international, dynamic and professional Company. Competitive salary level complimented with trainings inside and outside the company. Good working conditions in comfortable office. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1+ years of experience of development Computer Science or related degree Good written and verbal communication skills Good level of spoken English Teamwork experience TECHNOLOGY KNOWLEDGE Java or Kotlin Android application ...

País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

Geidans Solutions Latvia is looking for a Back-End Developer WE OFFER Position in a friendly team that makes great Web Apps. Constant professional growth and development in international, dynamic and professional Company. Competitive salary level complimented with trainings inside and outside the company. Good working conditions in comfortable office. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS + years of experience of development Computer Science or related degree Good written and verbal communication skills Good level of spoken English Teamwork experience TECHNOLOGY KNOWLEDGE Must have : ASP.MVC; C#; SQL ...

País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

Vēlies kļūt par vadošā aptieku uzņēmuma REĢIONĀLO VADĪTĀJU? Pieņem jaunu izaicinājumu, pievienojies mūsu profesionāļu komandai! Darba pienākumi Aptieku darbības nodrošināšana, atbilstoši uzņēmuma un likumdošanas prasībām Komandas vadīšana, koordinēšana un motivēšana Biznesa mērķu realizēšana Cieša sadarbība ar citām nodaļām, lai īstenotu dažādus ar aptieku attīstību saistītus projektus Tirgus situācijas un tendenču analīze Dalība budžetēšanas un plānošanas procesos, lai sasniegtu uzņēmuma izvirzītos mērķus Aktīva līdzdalība mārketinga stratēģijas ieviešanā Mūsu prasības Augstākā farmaceitiskā ...

Proposto por:
País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

We see you suceed on the position when you have: Excellent communication and customer service skills; At least 1 year experience in customer service field; Fluent Latvian and good Russian and English language skills; Good PC skills (Microsoft Office environment). Your work duties would be: Handling incoming calls and e-mails; Advise clients (includind cross-sales and insurance renewals); Prepare insurance offers. ERGO offers: Modern and comfortable work environment; Internal trainings regarding work duties; Health insurance and additional holidays; Parking place near the office; Fixed term job ...

País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

Klientu apkalpošanas un tirdzniecības speciālists/-e Galvenie darba pienākumi būs: pārdot Tele2 pakalpojumus un produktus; rast piemērotākos risinājumus atbilstoši klientu vēlmēm; pārzināt jaunākās tehnoloģijas un informēt par tām klientu; strādāt precīzi un punktuāli ar veikala dokumentāciju; veicināt klientu interesi par jaunākajām telekomunikāciju pakalpojumu iespējām. Šī vakance domāta Tev, ja Tev ir: prasme izzināt klientu vajadzības un vēlmes; vēlme pilnveidot un attīstīt savas pārdošanas prasmes; labas latviešu un krievu valodas zināšanas; vēlme iegūt zināšanas par telekomunikāciju jomu ...

Proposto por:
País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

TELEPĀRDOŠANAS EKSPERTS/-E Nāc un piestartē savu karjeru Tele2 telepārodšanas komandā, ja Tev patīk pārdošana, patīk komunicēt, vēlies iegūt pieredzi un mācīties! MĒS TEV PIEDĀVĀJAM: stabilu pamatalgu un motivējošu bonusa sistēmu; dinamisku un uz vērtībām balstītu uzņēmuma kultūru; draudzīgus, atsaucīgus, profesionālus kolēģus un vadītājus; sociālās garantijas; veselības apdrošināšanu; īpašus piedāvājumus telekomunikācijas pakalpojumiem; darbu pirmajā Well being birojā Latvijā; darba grafiks no pirmdienas līdz piektdienai (8 stundu darba diena) birojā; TAVI GALVENIE DARBA PIENĀKUMI BŪS: aktīvi ...

Proposto por:
País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

Training Lab is looking for a dynamic and energetic sales guru to join us! If you have experience in sales and are looking for new challenges and adventures, join our team! We want you to: Be energetic and self-disciplined; To not be afraid of cold calls, meeting new people, generating and proposing new ideas and taking care of clients; Be truly interested in self-growth, business training and business education; To have experience in sales; To have initiative and to be able to work unmonitored; To be ready to work hard during your first year, learning and growing, to become your best self. We ...

Proposto por:
País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

Training Lab is looking for an experienced project manager to join our team! If you have experience and are looking for new challenges and adventures by becoming our new project manager, we want you to join us! We want you to: Be energetic and self-disciplined; Be truly interested in self-growth, business education and project management; To have wide experience in projects, their management; To have initiative and to be able to work unmonitored; To be ready to work hard during your first year, learning and growing, to become your best self. We are a corporate education company. We are ...

Proposto por:
País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

Training Lab is looking for a business trainer to join our team! If you have experience and are looking for new challenges and adventures by becoming a trainer, we want you to join us! We want you to: Be energetic and self-disciplined; Be truly interested in self-growth, business training and business education; To have wide experience in projects, their management or sales and for you to want to share that knowledge and experience; To have initiative and to be able to work unmonitored; To be ready to work hard during your first year, learning and growing, to become your best self. We are a ...

Proposto por:
País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

QUALIFICATIONS: sense of responsibility, accuracy and high level of motivation; desire to acquire new skills; ability to perform well under pressure. RESPONSIBILITIES: shuffle and change cards on the Live tables; keep in order and under control all facilities that store playing cards and equipment for the tables; attend training courses as required and strive to continually improve technical skills. WE OFFER: day shifts (from 15:00 - 23:00); stable and competitive remuneration package, motivating bonus system and social guarantees; comprehensive paid training; friendly team and exciting events ...

Proposto por:
País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided