Nor-Dan Båtbyggeri AS
About the organisation
Nor-Dan Båtbyggeri as is located in Evje in the inland in southern Norway.
The company was founded in 1981 by Aage end Liv Hansen. There was a production of leisure boats and dinghies, where quality was the main target. Still, there are many boats produced at this time to see, still going strong on the sea to day. Quality stays.
In the year 2000 Nor Dan Båtbyggeri AS decided to withdraw from the leisure-boat marked with it`s own developed boats, and rather be a subcontractor to other leisure -boat producers.
They expanded their product-range, so production of fishing boats, industrial casting and rental casting became over time the major part of the turnover.
Nor Dan Båtbyggeri AS appears today, with its proficiency and experience, as a high quality producer who always makes effort to provide the best products.
We are producing fishing boats at 32-35 feet, but the main production is parts for rescue boats and industrial casting, all in composite material.
We have 22 employees.