Levi Restaurants
About the organisation
With us you have chance to combine work and freetime in the nature. Levi is surrounded by lovely lappish nature with the polar nights, lots of snow, crispy mornings and tons of sun in the spring time.
Levi Restaurant is established 2002 and runs seven various restaurants around Levi fell in the Finnish Lapland: Draivi, Sivakka, Cafe Zero, Horizont, Gondoli, Vinkkari and Palovartija.
During the day at the slopes of Levi our customers can stop e.g. for a pizza, burger, lunchbuffet or cappucino and a doughnut, depending which restaurant they decide to choose.
We are a subcompany of Levi Ski Resort which has been established 1976 and is the largest ski resort in Finland. That connection gives us good helthcare and staffbenefits for our employees.
We are at the moment looking for chefs with different backgrounds for the next winter season 2024 - 2025 from mid december until middle of april.
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For more information on Levi Restaurants, please see the recent TE-live broadcast: Combine work and freetime in the nature working at Levi Restaurants! (te-live.fi)