ISS – Social Security Institute
About the organisation
The Social Security Institute (ISS) has as a mission to guarantee the protection and social inclusion of people by recognizing their rights, ensuring compliance with contributory obligations, and promoting social solidarity.
Its main responsibilities include:
- managing benefits from the Social Security system,
- ensuring the recognition of Social Security rights and promoting compliance to duties by the system beneficiaries,
- collecting revenues and ensuring compliance with contributory duties.
ISS also handles tasks related to International Social Security coordination instruments, such as:
- granting benefits for protection against accidents at work and occupational diseases,
- promoting the implementation of financial provisions,
- and settling benefits due by foreign institutions.
Additionally, ISS develops and implements social action policies to combat poverty and promote social inclusion, provides social support to families, and supports initiatives aimed at improving living conditions and promoting equal opportunities for vulnerable groups.
It also ensures legal protection and promotes social responses to prevent and combat situations of children and young people at risk of social exclusion.