EURES Ireland
About the organisation
Employers who have difficulty recruiting staff in Ireland or who wish to broaden their skill base can get access to jobseekers in other EU and EEA countries. DSP is part of a European Commission network called EURES (European Employment Services) that links the databases of European Public Employment Services.
EURES can assist by:
- Advertising vacancies for the attention of jobseekers in Europe via the Jobs Ireland website or by phoning the Employment Service National Contact Centre at 1800 611 116 (from Northern Ireland 00 353 46 973 8000);
- Providing specially tailored European recruitment projects for individual employers. Contact your Eures Adviser at the Employment Service Offices for more information.
Database of European Jobseekers:
The EURES service gives employers access to a database of European jobseekers looking to work in Ireland. This database is called 'CV-Search' and is available on theEURES European Job Mobility portal.
The EURES service is free of charge to both jobseekers and employers. To register phone 00 800 4080 4080.
EURES Advisers (European Mobility Experts)
EURES Advisers are DSP staff who are specially trained in European mobility matters. They can explain the EURES service to employers and, if required, organise a recruitment project in Europe. For example, if employers are having difficulties in filling large numbers of vacancies, a special European recruitment event can be organised using Public Employment Service partner organisations in other EU and EEA Member States.