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At Didimo, we make didimos.  "didimo" means "twin" in Greek. A fitting name given that we create life-like digital representations of people so everyone can engage more personally in the digital world.

Didimo is the world’s leading provider of automated solutions for the generation of digital humans. We enable our customers to bring the power of authentic, high-quality digital humans into their applications, sites, entertainment and support services, so they can offer more personalized, deeply engaging experiences to their consumers. The type of experiences that drive affinity, advocacy and sales. Digital humans are the new digital interface; we are helping businesses of all types to seize the opportunity and delivery more meaningful experiences to everyone.

With years of research backing our work, Didimo knows how to best leverage our innate and genetically hard-coded capability to identify, read, and express ourselves via faces, the unique and deeply personal expressions that transcend simple visual accuracy. Bringing this capability of better, authentic representation and more human communication―for everyone―into all digital spaces will improve our digital interactions, enabling deeper and more meaningful connections between people, fostering greater play, learning, work and commerce.


How it all started.

In 2011, a little boy with big, beautiful eyes entered Veronica’s research laboratory at the University of Porto. Like most children, he loved to play with his favorite computer games. However, he always played alone.

Suffering from severe autism, he experienced significant challenges in communicating with his family and friends. On that day, he and his father sat together at a table playing an experimental game developed by Veronica’s team which enabled the mimicking and drawing of facial expressions on a 3D character. The little boy’s father would gently take his son’s trembling hand and help him draw with unrelenting empathy and patience. After a while, something magical happened and the little boy smiled. A priceless smile.

That day, new technology created a very human moment of connection between a father and a son. And a new form of communication had been inspired. Could it contribute to more human, authentic digital communication? Could this technology help more people connect better? What if we created a digital version of people that made technology more human by bringing the richness of who we are to our digital interactions? Didimo’s mission was born.


Want to create the future together?

Hot jobs

We are looking for passionate and creative technological innovators to collaborate with our team in advanced programming  for professionals with experience and/or interest in the following areas: 

1) Applications development 

2) Computer graphics 

3) Computer graphics with emphasis on Shading 

4) Physics with emphasis on fluid material simulation 


Informações sobre a organização
Dados de contacto: 

We're available from 9:30 until 10:00 and from 15:00 until 18:00

Event participation(s)

24 - 25 Novembro 2021
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Participação: Em linha
Participação: Em linha
Participação: Em linha