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Per azienda commerciale del settore alimentare con sede in Briga Novarese si cerca per ampliamento organico 1 COMMERCIALE Italia. Si offre contratto a tempo determinato di 6 mesi. Orario di lavoro: tempo pieno con la possibilità di lavoro in smart working. Attività commerciale e strategie di marketing nel settore alimentare. On behalf of a food sector company, based in Briga Novarese (NO), we are seeking an ambitious and dynamic Commercial Representative, by reason of widening of the organic in Italy. This position is offered as a 6-month fixed-term contract. Working Hours: Full-time with an ...

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The main role of a Junior Export Manager is to coordinate the export activities of a company. The key functions of this professional include interfacing with international clients, managing export documentation, organizing product shipments, and monitoring sales performance in foreign markets. International Sales Management: Supervise sales activities and ensure the achievement of set objectives, in collaboration with the international sales team. Business Relationship Development: Establish and maintain relationships with clients, distributors, agents, and other business partners in foreign ...

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The Production Department Supervisor works on the production site, overseeing quality control of the goods produced and ensuring that production targets are achieved. The Production Manager is also responsible for managing and coordinating the workforce. Specifically, they ensure that new hires receive adequate and professional training, evaluate and analyze the productivity levels of workers both at the team and individual levels, assign tasks and duties to employees, and identify any issues in order to implement rapid improvements. Il Capo reparto di produzione lavora all'interno del sito ...

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The worker of the company who primarily performs tasks by overseeing and coordinating the dough production process in all its stages. It is important to ensure compliance with good professional practices, adherence to hygiene and safety regulations in the workplace, and the quality of the finished product. Il lavoratore dell'impresa che presta in misura prevalente la propria opera sovraintendendo e coordinando la produzione dell'impasto in tutte le sue fasi. E' importante garantire il rispetto delle regole di buona pratica professionale, l’osservanza delle norme igienico sanitarie e di ...

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A maintenance technician is primarily responsible for the maintenance of machinery and production facilities, ensuring their proper functioning and continuous efficiency. They carry out both corrective and preventive maintenance on various types of assets and equipment in general. They also oversee and supervise the installation and repair processes. Un manutentore principalmente si occupa della manutenzione di macchinari e impianti produttivi, in modo da garantire il corretto funzionamento e la loro efficienza costante. Effettua manutenzioni di tipo straordinario e ordinario, su diverse ...

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Il candidato, preferibilemnte laureato in discipline economiche, deve essere in grado di gestire la contabilità: effettuare registrazione di fatture e di prime note, predisporre liquidazioni Iva e bilancio aziendale. Deve conoscere i programmi di contabilità e il pacchetto Office ed essere in possesso di un buon livello di conoscenza della lingua inglese L'azienda offre un iniziale contratto a tempo determinato trasformabile in contratto a tempo indeterminato

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Do you want to progress professionally and desire a job where you are challenged and supported? With regular working hours, good benefits, and diverse opportunities for further development? Then you've come to the right place: Our business partner Gate Gourmet offers an attractive position as cook at their location in Freising. Apply online right away. We value equal opportunities and welcome applications from people with disabilities. Preparation of food Processing different types of goods into semi-finished and finished products Participation in the optimisation of production processes ...

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18 - 20 EUR (Gross pay)
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Virksomhed:: Nordic Sugar Fordeling: Kalundborg Stillingsbetegnelse: Alsidige medarbejdere til forefaldende arbejde Vikariat-type: Vikariat (frem til feb’25) Mødetid + opstart: Opstart ASAP – skiftehold (daghold, aftenhold og nathold) – fast rul for fire uger ad gangen Arbejdsopgaver: Tømme lastbiler Forefaldende arbejde Arbejdssted: Gørlev Løn: Kr. 164,64 + tillæg i timen Særlige krav: Lidt håndværksmæssige skills. Kan arbejde selvstændigt – en del af jobbet er alene Særlige krav til sprog: Dansk

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SIMON-Fleisch ist ein ständig wachsendes Unternehmen mit einer langjährigen Familien- und Firmentradition. Unser Kerngeschäft umfasst die Schlachtung und Zerlegung von Schweinen und Rindern sowie die Herstellung von Fleischwaren. Unsere Kunden reichen von regionalen Fleischereien bis hin zu Fleischwarenherstellern in der ganzen Welt. An unserem Hauptsitz in Wittlich und an den Standorten in Prüm und Lissendorf, in der Mittelgebirgsregion Eifel/Mosel, beschäftigen wir über 600 Mitarbeiter. Wir gehören zu den Top 10 der fleischproduzierenden Unternehmen in Deutschland. Unser Erfolg am Markt ...

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SIMON-Fleisch ist ein ständig wachsendes Unternehmen mit einer langjährigen Familien- und Firmentradition. Unser Kerngeschäft umfasst die Schlachtung und Zerlegung von Schweinen und Rindern sowie die Herstellung von Fleischwaren. Unsere Kunden reichen von regionalen Fleischereien bis hin zu Fleischwarenherstellern in der ganzen Welt. An unserem Hauptsitz in Wittlich und an den Standorten in Prüm und Lissendorf, in der Mittelgebirgsregion Eifel/Mosel, beschäftigen wir über 600 Mitarbeiter. Wir gehören zu den Top 10 der fleischproduzierenden Unternehmen in Deutschland. Unser Erfolg am Markt ...

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