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Job offer description: For our assembly construction sites we are looking for: Locksmith / Plant Mechanic (f/m/d) Employment. Permanent position (permanent) THAT'S US - A modern family business in the 3rd generation. We have two mainstays. Temporary employment and plant construction. -We have over 56 years of experience in temporary employment. Our second mainstay in plant engineering in Voerde on the Lower Rhine. We have been around since 1967 - and rightly so! WE ARE LOOKING FOR YOU -Many years of professional experience - a completed vocational training is not a must. -Are you a lateral ...

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What does a day as a mechanic look like? Preventive and curative maintenance of machines and installations, that is your mission as a mechanic at Logi-technic. Every day you take care of the different parts, check them and replace them if necessary. Working independently or in a team? That's up to you! You complete every challenge smoothly and accurately. You have the appropriate mechanical expertise, a broad knowledge of materials, and the right pneumatic and hydraulic know-how to accomplish this.

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