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Opis oferty pracy

Nurses - Completed studies / training as nurse - German language skills at least A2

Wymagania dotyczące stanowiska

Completed studies / training as nurse - German language skills at least A2 an willing to improve these language skills up to a level of B2


Flexible working hours - Continuous professioal training - Attractive and competitive salaries

Szczegółowe informacje o ofercie pracy
Pole zawodu:
Doświadczenie zawodowe:
Work experience is not required
Umiejętności językowe:
  • German
  • Basic
Widełki wynagrodzeń:
3300 - 3900 EUR
Date of expiry:

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About organisation

We are part of the German Federal Employment Agency and member of EURES Network (European Employment Service). As a governmental organization we support you free of charge, independently and neutral.Our service includes:Information about working and living in GermanyAssistance in finding a suitable job positionHelp with application and preparation for job interviewsInformation in matters of work… Dowiedz się więcej
