Home Caretaker
A Home Caretaker works maximum of 6 days a week (38,5 hours); serve a 70 -year-old man; do the housework (cooking, cleaning, shopping, washing); accompany the person and help him in- and outside the home; if necessary also during the night; do even simple gardening. You should enjoy spending time with an elderly person, living in the same household for a longer period of time (no temporary replacement / holiday cover).
- you should have first relevant working experience
- communicative person – ability to communicate in German
- nonsmoker preferable (if necessary only outside the house)
*What we expect:
- Education: non required
- Driving licence required
- German – Level: B1-B2
*What we offer:
-At least 1620€ ( due to Application Collective agreement: DHB / Berusfverband der Haushaltsführenden)
Are you interested?
Please send your application in German via Email to:
Please use the Codename: Prag16
We are looking forward to meeting you!